Page 11 of My Cupid Holidate

“Hi.” Rex’s slow grin goes straight to my girly parts, waking them back up.

No time for that now. “Hi. Shower’s free.”

His face falls into a frown. “I had kind of been hoping you’d walk back out naked. Nice dress. Uh, show’s quite a bit of your, uh… skin, doesn’t it?”

Damn, he’s cute even when grumpy.

Looking down at the lightweight beach dress I’d bought on impulse, I adjust the spaghetti straps, smoothing down the material that ends mid-thigh. “You don’t like it?”

“No. I love it. I just don’t want any other guy to see you in it.”

My stomach flutters at his possessive comment. It surprises me that something so alpha sounding coming from Rex makes me want to change just to please him. I’m about to do just that when he stands, taking my hand.

“Sorry. You can wear whatever you want. I’ve never been jealous. I guess with you, it’s different. Give me fifteen to shower and dress. And we’ll head down to brunch. I don’t mind sharing you with everyone, as long as we’re together. Besides, it’ll give me more time to convince you.”

“Convince me. Of what?”

“I’m your guy and you’re my woman… er, gal, mate, destiny. Whatever you want to call it, I plan on convincing you we are meant for each other.” Rex winks, then shuts the bathroom door.

The sound of the shower turning on filters through the door and I just stand there, dumbstruck.

* * *

Rex’s clean plate proves the excellent brunch Tamara ordered was a great choice. I’ve barely touched mine, spending most of the meal watching the surrounding couples interact. And Rex picked right up where he left off on the plane yesterday, attentive and affectionate… I never want this day to end.

Tamara scoots her chair down and gives me a quick hug. “You look tired. Didn’t sleep well?”

Avoiding eye contact with Rex, I smile but choose not to verbally acknowledge his satisfied grin.

“No. I mean yes. The bed lived up to the hype. Must just be the time difference. So, what do you need me to do to get ready for the ceremony? Don’t you need a bouquet? What about a photographer?”

Tamara holds up her hand, her gaze bouncing between Rex and me as I list off anything to get me away from his sexy gazes and wandering hands that are keeping me in a constant state of intense need. “Everything is set. The hotel has a wedding planner on staff and she’s fabulous. All you need to do is keep me calm and stand with me, looking gorgeous in that dress we picked out. Has she shown it to you, Rex?”

Rex shook his head. “I haven’t had the pleasure.”

“Well, just wait. It’s perfect. Actually, it sort of looks like a wedding dress, doesn’t it, Heather? Anyway, I want you two to enjoy the rest of the day— together. Some of the others are going snorkeling, but I need a nap. You two look like you had a late night, too. Get some rest, and I’ll see you tonight at the rehearsal, okay?” Tamara hugs me then buzzes off to talk to Stefan’s parents, who’ve just arrived; hers are due in later and should be at the rehearsal.

“I like her. And Stefan. They seem really happy and very compatible.”

Rex’s hand disappears under the table, landing on my thigh, and he begins rubbing light circles on my exposed flesh. His touch feels electric and necessary. How quickly I’ve become addicted to having his hands on me. Is this how it started for Tamara? She’d told me she knew Stefan was the one on their first date, but was this more than just chemistry? Or was this something so indefinable that any to attempt to pick it apart would ruin any chance that Rex and I could also have something real? Because he seemed to think that was possible, even though he’d yet to say the three little words I had a hard time believing in anymore.

I move just out of his reach. I can’t think straight with his hand on me. Plus, I need to get a few answers because overthinking what I’m feeling for him is driving me bonkers.

“Why hasn’t some lucky woman taken you off the market?”

My question definitely catches him off guard. He sits back in his chair, rubs his jaw, and stares off into the distance.

We’re the last couple to leave, so we have this section of the outdoor dining area to ourselves. The sound of waves crashing further down the beach where the shoreline merges into a small cove is the only sound between us for so long. I rack my brain for a follow-up question to end the awkwardness.

“Hmm? Well, it’s not like I haven’t dated. I actually have dated quite a bit. Doesn’t mean I sleep with every woman I date, either. I just usually don’t get past the second or third date. I’ve, uh, kind of gotten this reputation amongst my friends. It’s pretty funny actually, considering today’s Valentine’s Day.” He pauses, but still doesn’t look at me.

“Oh, now I’ve got to hear this story. Don’t leave me hanging.” I purposely put a lilt in my words to keep the tone light. Intrigued, I really want him to keep going.


I look around, confused. Is he referring to the holiday tomorrow or… “Huh?”

“That’s what they call me. Mr. Cupid. Seems like I have this knack for relationship counseling. The last three women I dated, before you, that is, went back to their exes.” Rex shrugs and finishes his drink. “I mean, it's pretty obvious when someone is still hooked on the previous guy, and I’m not looking to hook up anymore. We’re in our thirties and I want more from my relationships. If a woman isn’t into me, I usually know it right away, so if I can help her see that and maybe get back together with who she really wants to be with, then it saves a lot of time and headaches.”