Page 62 of Jaylen

“Eva invited her.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful,” Misha said. “But you don’t know how to do any of those things.”

“They said they’d teach me. The only problem is they meet on Tuesday mornings.”

“But they said you could bring Ciara,” Jay reminded her. “So don’t let that hold you back.”

“Won’t she be a distraction?” Misha asked.

“Eva said they’d love to help with her,” Jay said. “Plus, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a couple of homeschooling moms who bring their kids. They’d probably be happy to entertain her.”

Misha reached out to touch her mom’s arm. “We’ll talk about it later, okay?”

The worship team was taking their places on the stage, so Jay looked around for Will again, but still didn’t spot him.

“Would you like to sit with us, Jay?” Denise asked.

Jay decided he had no reason not to, so he followed them to a row near the back that had room for them. Denise went in first, followed by Misha, then Jay.

“Room for one more?”

Jay glanced up to see Will standing in the aisle beside him. Without him asking, Denise and Misha shifted down far enough to leave plenty of room for Will on the end.

“Thought you might not have hung around for the service,” Jay said in a low voice as Will sat down beside him.

“That was my plan,” Will muttered. “But got convicted.”

“Glad you stayed.”

Will made a non-committal sound. Jay knew that going to church would be difficult for Will for awhile, since Daphne also attended there. He’d seen her earlier, so he hoped that Will could just avoid her. However, it was more likely that Daphne would avoid Will, which would probably make Will feel even worse. It was truly a double-edged sword.

The service had a familiarity to it, born from years of attending the same church. It wasn’t a bad thing. Sometimes he found comfort in it. Unfortunately, sometimes it allowed his thoughts to wander.

Mindful of Misha’s presence at his side, Jay tried to keep his attention on the service. Will’s dad was a good preacher. Usually pretty entertaining and also thought provoking. Sometimes itamazed him that the man could find different things to preach about, even after all these years.

“So, are you up for hanging out this afternoon?” Will asked once the service was over.

“I’m going for a hike,” he said, watching as Misha and her mom left to get Ciara from the nursery.

“Why would you ruin a perfectly good afternoon by going on a hike?” Will groused.

“Why would you ruin a perfectly good afternoon by staying inside?”

“Are you going by yourself?”

“Nope. I talked Misha into going with me.”

Will’s brows rose slightly. “Then I suppose you don’t want me tagging along, anyway.”

“You’re more than welcome to come,” Jay said.

“And be the third wheel?” Will asked. “I think not.”

“I was thinking of asking Janessa, Gareth, and Aria if they wanted to come along, too.” He’d originally planned for it to just be him and Misha, but now he was thinking it might be better to make it a group thing.

“Well, if everyone else is going…” Will grimaced. “I guess I could too.”

“I don’t know if they are yet. I’ve still got to ask them.”