Page 61 of Jaylen

“Hello there, Jay darling.”

This time it was one of the older women in the church, who was also a regular at the clinic.

“Hello, Miss Eva. How’s life treating you?”

“Very well.” The older woman smiled as she turned her attention to Denise. “Are you our new doctor’s older sister?”

Denise laughed, her eyes sparkling with humor. “I’m quite sure Michelle will treat you well even if you don’t butter me up.”

Eva grinned. “I’m Eva Price.”

Denise held out her hand. “Denise Barnes. Michelle’s mom.”

“It’s a real pleasure to meet you,” Eva said. “Say, do you do any type of crocheting, knitting, needlepoint or other type of crafting?”

Denise’s brow furrowed. “Well, I’ve done some sewing in my day, but I’ve never learned to do any of the other things you’ve mentioned. My grandma wanted to teach me to knit, but at the time, I was young and thought knitting was an old person thing.”

“If you’d like to learn, why don’t you come to our crafters group?”

“Crafters group?”

“Yep. We’re a group of women who gather once a week to work on whatever craft we bring. If you’d like to learn something, there are several of us who would love to pass on our knowledge.”

“What sort of supplies would I need?” Denise asked.

Jay hoped that because she didn’t immediately dismiss it, that she would end up going. This might be a way for her to make connections in the town.

“Don’t worry about that at first,” Eva said. “We all have plenty of supplies, so we can teach you with those. Once you find something you want to make, you can choose your own supplies.”

“When do you usually meet?”

“Tuesday mornings here at the church.”

Denise frowned. “That might not work for me.”

“Why’s that?”

“I babysit my granddaughter while Michelle works,” Denise said.

“Oh, just bring her along. We’re all mothers and grandmothers. She’ll get plenty of love.”

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t want her to prevent anyone from working on their stuff,” Denise said.

“That won’t matter. We have lots of time to work on our projects when we’re at home. Loving on a little one is always a welcome distraction.”

Jay was grateful that Eva hadn’t even blinked at the information that the new doctor was a single mom. Some in the church might have questions about her situation, but Eva wasn’t one of them. Though he knew the whole story of how Misha had become Ciara’s mom, he wasn’t sure she wanted everyone else to know.

Eva had the biggest heart of anyone Jay knew, even his own parents. Never in all the years he’d known her had he ever heard her say a negative word about anyone. She offered love withoutbounds and always had an uplifting word for anyone she spoke to. The woman would be a great friend for Denise.

“Let me get your number,” Eva said as she fished her phone out of her pocket. Instead of doing anything with it, however, she handed it off to Jay. “Can you input it for me, Jay dear?”

He just smiled and shook his head when she told him her passcode was 1111. When Denise recited her number to him, Jay set up a contact with Denise’s name and a description of who she was just because Eva sometimes struggled with names until she’d spent time with the person.

“What was that all about?” Misha asked as she joined them, her gaze on Eva as the older woman headed down the aisle to the front of the sanctuary.

“I’m going to meet with a group of women who get together to knit, crochet, and stuff.”

Misha’s eyes widened, and she glanced at Jay.