Page 5 of Jaylen

Bec beamed at her comment. “I’m so glad you like it. My daughter and I just redid all the rooms over the winter. It was a task, I’ll tell you.”

“Your efforts definitely paid off.”

Bec took a minute to show her around the space, including the attached bathroom which had a nice-looking soaker tub. “If you need anything, just let us know, and if you need info about Serenity, feel free to ask. We love our town and will happily tell you anything you need to know.”

“I’m just here for a couple of days, but perhaps I’ll be back again in the future.”

“You’re here on business?” Bec asked. “Or vacation?”

“Business. I have an interview at the Halverson Clinic.”

Bec’s eyes widened. “Oh, really? That’s great! I know they’ve been down a doctor since Nora left. Cathy Halverson has been filling in, but I know they’d like someone permanent. I hope the interview goes well.”

“You know the family?”

“I do,” Bec said. “The Halverson family has been in Serenity for a couple of generations, at least. The clinic was started bythe grandparents of the current doctor. They’re a lovely family. I think you’ll like them.”

That was great, but what mattered more was that they liked her. There was no denying that she was concerned that her being Black might play a role in whether or not she got the job. It wasn’t that she saw racism around every corner, but in a predominantly white area, she and the clinic and its patients might not be a good fit.

Misha wasn’t getting her hopes up, even though she was quite sure that her mom would love the town. From what she’d seen so far, Serenity had the look of the towns in the Christmas romance movies her mom loved to watch.

“We don’t serve dinner here, but if you’re hungry, I can give you a couple of recommendations for restaurants.”

“Thank you. I’d appreciate that.”

“Just ring the bell down at the desk if I’m not around,” Bec said.

Left alone in the room, Misha dropped down on the bed, appreciating its semi-firm surface. She liked her bed a little on the firm side, so hopefully that would mean she’d get a good night’s sleep later. Though she’d developed the ability to fall asleep quickly during her residency, her worry over the interview might override that ability that night.

She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to her mom.Arrived safe and sound. I’ll call you soon. Need to call the clinic to confirm my appointment.

Her mom’s reply came almost immediately.

Mom:Wonderful! Looking forward to chatting. Xoxoxo

Leaving that screen behind, Misha pulled up the email from Steph with the number for the clinic. Though she was nervous,she didn’t let it keep her from calling it right away. Nerves were something she rarely, if ever, let hold her back. They were her fuel. Her motivation.

“Halverson Clinic,” a woman said cheerfully. “How can I help you?”

“Hello. My name is Michelle Barnes,” Misha told her. “I’m calling to confirm my appointment tomorrow at eight o’clock for an interview.”

“Oh, yes!” The woman sounded excited by what she’d said. “They’re definitely looking forward to meeting with you.”

“Perfect. Is there anything I should know about where to park?”

“We have a lot attached to the building. You can park there. Come to the back door and knock. Someone will let you in.”

“Thank you for the information.”

“You’re very welcome,” the woman said. “We’re all looking forward to meeting you.”

Misha swore she could hear the smile in the woman’s voice. “Who am I speaking with?”

“Oh, I’m Aria. I work as the receptionist and back-up nurse.”

“Back-up nurse?” Misha couldn’t keep from asking.

“Yep. My main role is receptionist. Janessa—she’s a Halverson—is the primary nurse, but I’m also a nurse, so I fill in when needed.”