Page 6 of Jaylen

“That’s nice you’re able to fill multiple roles.” Misha wondered if the clinic was just short-staffed or if it was run with a tight fist, making people work a lot of extra hours.

“I do enjoy the variety at times, but it’s rare they need me for anything but manning the front desk.”

“Well, I won’t keep you from your work,” Misha said. “Thank you for the information. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yep. We’re looking forward to it.”

After Doctor Martin’s assurances that the clinic was a good place, she hadn’t done any further research on it. Some might say that was dumb, but she wanted to have gut reactions, not go in with preconceived notions about the people she was meeting with.

She had her list of questions memorized, and if they seemed favorable towards hiring her, she planned to do more research then, before giving them an answer. To some, that might seem backwards, but it was what she felt comfortable with.

The question was if they’d done research on her, or had they taken the word of Doctor Martin through his acquaintance that she was a good doctor? She was still uncertain about what she’d say if they asked her why she was leaving Atlanta and the clinic there. She didn’t want them to think she was bringing danger with her.

But what if she did?

Misha had no guarantee that the gangs wouldn’t find them somehow, however Doctor Martin had assured her that he was prepared with everything they’d need to cut ties completely with Atlanta. She had no idea what that meant, but she was going to trust him.

He had never let them down before, and she doubted he would now, either. So maybe she just needed to be honest about the situation they were trying to escape and pray that God would honor that honesty.


Jay glanced in the mirror one last time to make sure he looked okay. He’d gone for a haircut the previous day, and his barber had done his usual excellent job on the cut and fade. Though he normally went with a more casual attire at work since he was always in his office, he’d put on a button-down shirt and tie with black slacks for the interview.

That was usually Gareth’s look at the clinic, but Jay wanted to make sure that he came across as professional as well. This was the one and only interview they’d been able to line up, and he wasn’t going to be the one to blow it.

Gareth had called Michelle’s references, and everyone had spoken in glowing terms about her abilities and how she related to patients. When pressed on why she was leaving her current job, the man had simply said that she needed to leave for personal reasons, which was a bit worrisome. However, the man had seemed very sincere when he said that her leaving would be a huge loss for their clinic.

He had to be at the clinic an hour earlier than usual, but he hadn’t forgone his workout, which meant he’d probably need two cups of coffee to make it through the day.

There were a handful of cars in the parking lot already when he got there, all of which he recognized. Inside, he found his mom in the breakroom, which was doubling as a boardroom that day. Gareth was also there, along with Aria and Janessa.

He hoped they didn’t overwhelm the woman, but Jay knew it was important that they all weighed in on this person who might join their workplace. Maybe one of them would pick up on something that the others missed.

“Good morning, darling,” his mom said as she approached him.

“Morning.” Jay leaned down so she could kiss his cheek. “Ready for this?”

She rubbed her hands together, excitement sparkling in her light blue eyes. “I am!”

“Me too.” He had a feeling they were all more than ready.

Jay went to get a cup of coffee, nodding a greeting to Gareth, who stood there filling his tall, insulated mug. Aria and Janessa were there too, each with a mug of coffee already.

“Should we have rehearsed this?” Jay asked as he poured coffee into his mug once Gareth was done. “And maybe we should make more coffee. This is almost empty.”

“Let me do that,” Janessa said. “We all know that you make horrible coffee.”

“It’s not my fault that I don’t drink coffee like the rest of you. I have no need to learn how to make it since I only drink one cup a day.”

“Are you going to hold it against this woman if she loves coffee as much as Gareth and me?” Janessa asked as she deftly went about making a fresh pot.

“I don’t hold it against Aria,” Jay pointed out.

“That’s probably because I drink as little of it as you do, even though I really do love it.”

“We’re not using her food and beverage preferences to determine whether she’ll be a good fit,” his mom said with a laugh. “As far as I know, Nora had perfectly normal tastes, and we all know how she turned out.”

A rap on the back door drew their attention, all of them turning to look in that direction.