“What’s that, baby?”

“They were telling me that you “I tried to run from you, from my dreams of you killing me…but this whole time the dreams were letting me know that you were coming to give me life.”



Three Months Later

Seven and I open our eyes almost like waking up but, standing in the lab, holding each other. I glance over to see Ettie, Leo and Oracle watching us.

At least we got back home.

Every time we do this, I always worry I won’t be able to get us back here. Seven gives me a reassuring squeeze. Before kissing the top of my head. I struggle to get myself to look at Oracle.

“It didn’t work,” Oracle observes before I even say anything.

“We ended up back in West Virginia again,” I sigh.

The disappointment shining in his eyes feels like a punch to my gut. I’m just as worked up as he is. I’m failing at this, even after succeeding before on getting to correct place. Every day that we don’t hear from Lucy kills me and I’m terrified to discover how she’s doing… I can’t imagine what all this is doing to Oracle.

“The good news. Our old prison is just a pile of old cinder blocks and rusted exam tables.”

“I can’t understand why you keep gravitating there,” Oracle says. He’s been confused about that since the first time we went there.

“Because I’m a failure,” I mumble.

Leo and Ettie step closer, trying to reassure me as they have each time. “No, you aren’t. You’re managing to travel all the way there. That’s not easy for someone new to this world and these abilities. You should be proud.”

“I can’t be proud. I need to find Lucy,” I say dejectedly. It’s the one thing I’m supposed to accomplish—I know it. I just can’t do it.

“I’m missing something in all of Lucy’s notebooks. You seem to be showing up in all the places that were important parts of her past. We need to find where she’s at right now, in the present. I’ll be in my chambers, combing her notes for more information,” Oracle says before storming out.

I lean into Seven needing his comfort. “I hate that I’m letting him down,” I grumble.

“You’re trying your best. That’s all you can do, Grace,” Ettie says, softly. “We are lucky you have this ability at all. It gives Oracle hope. Before you came into our lives, no one knew Lucy existed, except him. We all thought he was insane.”

“Yeah, although I’m still not sure he’s entirely sane,” Leo adds, getting elbowed by Ettie as the words leave his mouth.

Leo just winks, pulling her closer to him. Likely so she doesn’t have the momentum to swing the next time. Leo looks at Seven. “So, the old place really is destroyed?”

“It looks like they were hit with a nuclear bomb,” I interject.

“Not quite that hard,” Seven says shaking his head. “But yeah, its in pieces with weeds growing up where it used to be.”

“So, we really don’t have a clue where Scar might be the,” Leo groans, his eyes staring at the blank wall, seeing some distant memory.

“You really think he’s still alive?” I question. I don’t know how someone could survive what Seven did to him. Even if he got help, I don’t see how his body could begin to heal without massive intake of blood. Although, admittedly, I’ve had firsthand how Seven’s skin knitted together after the wounds Scar inflicted so there’s a lot that I’m unfamiliar with.

“Definitely,” Leo and Seven say at the same time.

“Jacob and Endy aren’t communicating much but they have reported in council meetings that there has been no sign of Scar anywhere.” I know Jacob had animosity towards Seven for not doing more before Sean pulled us away from Scar’s body. Seven has mentally beaten himself up over that every hour since. I hate that they all can’t put their feelings aside for the greater good, but there apparently have always been issues that caused those two to leave before. All I can hope is that eventually, once Scar is out of the way, everyone will get along.

“So, basically we’re stuck doing fucking nothing while we wait for that damn monster to show back up again,” Seven says, angrily.

“Maybe he won’t now that he knows he’s outnumbered and we’re stronger together than he is alone,” I add, hopeful that this could just be a done deal.

“I don’t think Scar is that smart,” Leo says. “Actually, I know he’s not.”

“Well, I need to eat. This spirit walking, astral projecting, or whatever it is, is exhausting and leaves me famished.” I rub my growling stomach to prove a point.

“Then I better go feed my mate,” Seven literally purrs with a grin.

We start walking out of the lab while Leo and Ettie remain behind.

“We’re going to go through some old notes and see if we can help figure out how to find Lucy,” Ettie says.