“When it comes to protecting my mate, I am,” I insist.

“I’m a grown woman and I’m kind of responsible for my own protection.”

“Bullshit. You got a man who is going to have your back. That’s it.”

Grace sighs. “And you have a woman who will always be yours.”

“And that’s why I haven’t said anything to you about your little stunt, showing up without a body today as I faced Scar.”

“If the roles were reversed, Seven, you would’ve done the same thing.”

“I might have but that doesn’t mean you should,” I tell her with a heavy sigh. It drives me crazy she doesn’t want to even consider the huge risk of what she did. “What if the little trip you took would’ve left you without a way of getting back into your body like Lucy?”

Fuck. I would’ve lost my mind. We all worried about Oracle’s sanity well before Lucy disappeared. There would be no stopping the beast I would become if something like that happened to Grace.

“I would never attempt what I did without Oracle’s guidance. I will always be careful because our life together is too important to me, Seven. I can promise that to you, but nothing will stop me from helping keep you safe if I have the power.”

“I love you, Grace. I kind of failed today, but I promise you I will get him.”

“We will do it together, just like everything else from here on out.”

“So, you’re agreeing to let me come on your trips with you?”

Grace giggles. “If I can manage to do another one. You have no idea how hard I tested Oracle’s patience just trying to do that one.”

“You will and I’ll be right there with you. I’m always going to be with you, baby. I’ll be there every step of the way.”

“Does that mean in everything I do?” Grace teases.

“Gracie, don’t give me shit because I need to feel you with me and be with you to keep you safe.”

“I’m not. My mind was actually going in another direction,” Grace says, her voice going breathy as she turns to kiss me on my neck, her hand down my chest.

“What direction is that baby?” I ask, already rock hard again.

I watch with a lazy grin on my face as she sits up, climbing on top of me to straddle my lap. Grace bunches up my shirt she has on, yanking it over her head.

“Well, I was looking for a vampire turned cowboy to give his cowgirl the ride of her life,” Grace says, sexily.

“Take everything you want from me, baby.”

She reaches between my legs, gripping my shaft as she strokes me. I buck my hips causing her to fall forward as I catch her, kissing her. Every time I kiss her, the desperate need to breathe her in takes over.

“Oh, I intend to, Seven. I intend to,” she purrs. I love the shade of pink her lips turn after I’ve thoroughly kissed her. They get full and pouty making me want to do it all over again.

I pull her closer as I bite at her bottom lip, tasting her blood, bright before kissing her and swallowing down her moan. She rubs the head of my cock against her sweet, wet, pussy. She’s drenched and I can feel her pussy throb with hunger. She positions me right where she wants me and then slowly slides down on me. I watch her the entire time. Her hair is mussed, her body is flushed with desire and her eyes are filled with greedy passion.

She’s magnificent.

I hiss through my teeth. Grace is my world.

“Mate,” I growl out through clenched teeth.

“Every time you’re inside me,” she says, licking her lips as her body stretches to accept me. “Seven,” she gasps. “You are where I belong. You make me whole.”

I can’t explain how it feels to hear her words as she rocks against me. Her words mirror my own feelings, but I can’t fucking say anything I’m too caught up in the fact that I have my mate in my arms and she’s completely surrendered to me. She accepts me. She loves me.

She rubs her hands down my chest as she picks up her ride, lifting on me until I’m almost out and then sliding back down on my cock. Her hips rock in a lazy, slow movement that makes me want to fill her completely with my seed. I don’t want this to send too soon, but I know I’m not going to be able to hold back much longer.

“I love you, Gracie,” I finally say as the smell of sex spreads through the air around us.

“Before I met you, my mind was trying to send me messages. I thought I was supposed to run from you that you were going to kill me, but now I know what my dreams were truly trying to tell me.”