
His voice startles me as I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

“What?” I ask, my face heating because he just caught me ogling him.

His smile deepens. “I said you go on and get in bed. I’m going to change into these.”

I look down to see the sweats in his hand. When did he get those? I was so zoned out on his lips that I didn’t even see him grab them.

“Um, okay.”

I let out a sigh of relief when he goes into the bathroom.

Well, I guess I’ve made a fool of myself tonight.

I quietly laugh at myself and climb into the bed. My heart is hammering in my chest. I’m playing with fire, but I can’t stop myself. Besides, Seven looked miserable. He’s so tall—taller than the rest of the men here. He’s much bigger than the couch and I couldn’t stand to see how his feet were propped on the arm of it. There’s no way he could be comfortable.

Besides he shouldn’t have to sleep out there. That’s just crazy. We’re engaged. We’re going to get married or rather were, I guess. Yet, I live with him. We should be able to sleep together, even if I can’t remember him.

A frown pulls down the corners of my mouth. What kind of relationship did we have? It can’t be normal for a man to sleep with the woman he loves, be engaged to marry her, and not have sex. That’s just weird.

I don’t have my memory, but I have a general sense of normal and this can’t be it. I also know it couldn’t be what I wanted, because I’ve barely had any time with Seven since the accident and I still know without a doubt that I want him. Heck, my body lights up like a Christmas tree when he’s around me.

I’ve been thinking more and more about just going for it. Ettie did say I need to live in the present and she knows more than I do about Seven. I may never remember yesterday. What I do know about now is that Seven has been really good to me since my accident and everything he does only makes me want him more.

The door opens and I’m suddenly aware that my heart is racing again. Seven walks out in gray sweatpants that hang low on his hips. I bite my lip to keep from moaning. Holy cheese on a cracker. My gaze is glued to the front of his pants. I was wrong about there being a problem. The hard outline of his cock is huge and is solid evidence that everything is working as it should below the belt. My eyes linger on the delicious “V” of his hips that disappears under the waistband of his pants, as if highlighting the way to heaven. I don’t know what life was like for me in the past, but I doubt I have ever seen a six pack that dripped with this much perfection. He looks like he was chiseled out of marble like the statue of David. I take a deep breath—suddenly feeling light-headed.

This was a bad idea…or a very good one.

When I finally drag my attention upward to Seven’s face, I’m met with a grin that is full of arrogance—and sadly, even that is sexy. My body is flushed all over as he climbs into the bed beside me. Is it possible to die of a heart attack just by looking at him? It feels as if I don’t get control of the way my heart is running away with me, it just might happen. I’m almost certain I can hear it hitting my ribs at this point. My mouth is drier than the Sahara Desert, making me realize it’s been hanging open. I snap it shut, glancing over at him, only to find him still smiling.

“Thank you,” Seven says.

“For?” I ask, finally managing to speak.

“For letting me sleep in the bed.”

“Technically, this is our bed. You should be here,” I point out. He nods in agreement.

“We better get some sleep,” he replies quietly.

“How do we normally sleep together? Am I on the right side of the bed, or do you sleep here? Should I move? Would you prefer if I—”

“You’re perfect. This is perfect. Stop worrying,” Seven interrupts, cutting me off before I can continue the onslaught of questions that keep falling out of my mouth.

“Well, I’ve been sleeping here, just on my side, though,” I confess as he kisses my forehead.

“Quit worrying,” he croons close to my ear.

My heart still beating crazily. Seven rolls me over to face away from him, and then cocoons me with his warmth, his arms slide around me, pulling me close.

My body goes rigid, all too aware of his hard cock pressing up against me. I’m only slightly disappointed when he doesn’t start making love to me. I will myself to relax, melting into the heat of his body. His sculpted arms around me feel protective, yet gentle. I’d be a fool not to relax and enjoy this. I wiggle closer into him, feeling his hard cock pressing against my ass, heating my skin—even through our clothes.