“Were you in an accident?” she asks.

Her question catches me off guard. “What?” I ask, my face scrunching in confusion.

“You know, like are you dead below the waist or something? Did the accident cause you to not…um… feel anything down there?” I wait for her to laugh like she’s joking, but it doesn’t happen.

“Fuck no,” I shake my head. “You had to feel how hard I was when we cuddled on our date.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“There is no problem,” I tell her. “And if you had your memories back so that we could put the past to rest, you’d know.”

“What’s that mean?”

“It means if you weren’t dealing with trauma and challenging me like this, I’d spank your ass before proving just how much of a man I am, Gracie. I’d prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’m your man.” That last part leaves my throat in a low growl—a sound that is filled with hunger.

I watch her tremble slightly as she smiles. “Then I guess I have something to look forward to.”

She steps closer to me, leaving a hair’s breadth between our bodies. I want to move into her but hold back.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispers.

“I’ve missed you, too. It wasn’t on purpose, Gracie. I had some things to do for my brothers. I didn’t really have a choice.”

Grace nods. “I know. Ettie told me that, but I was worried just the same.”

“I’m sorry.”

I use my hand to hold her behind her neck and pull her gently until our lips meet. I only intended to kiss her softly, but when our lips meet, the chemistry between us explodes. Our tongues war with one another, fighting for dominance. I attack her mouth, plundering it, claiming it as mine. The kiss seems to go on and on, and I only stop when my lungs begin to burn because I need oxygen. When it ends, I keep her close, resting my forehead against hers and dragging air back into my lungs.

“That felt good,” she says, with a soft sigh.

I can’t seem to move away from her. Being this close to Grace feels too good to end. I go to pull us over to the couch, but she resists.

“I just want you in my arms for a little bit, baby. I’m not asking for anything. I just want to be close to you for a while,” I reassure her.

“Have you been sleeping on this couch since I got out of the hospital?” she asks.


“Be honest.”

“Yeah, I have.”

“Why? I know there are more rooms in this place. It’s huge!”

“If you aren’t beside me, I don’t want to be in a bed. Besides if I’m here in this room, I can protect you if someone tries to break in, or I can get to you quickly if you need me.”

Grace stares at me, studying me for a moment before she shakes her head.

“What?” I ask as she steps away. She holds out her hand to me. I don’t take it right away. I don’t want her to feel pressured.

“Come back home. We apparently can lay in bed together without having sex, so there’s no point in you being out here when you can be in your own bed.”

“You don’t have to do this,” I tell her.

“I know. Now shut up and come to bed. It’s late,” she orders before giving me a sly smile.

I place my hand in hers, allowing her to walk us back to our room. I let her go in front of me so that I can adjust my cock. It’s going to be a long night…



Once we get to the room the atmosphere changes as we both suddenly seem uncomfortable. Standing here, smiling at him, I try to fight my shyness.

“You look worn out. Are you going to shower before you head to bed?” I ask, taking in his clothes. They aren’t grimy but they don’t look comfortable either. I’m hoping by breaking the silence between us, we can go back to the easy banter that we always share.

“I’m pretty tired,” Seven says, rubbing his neck.

“Let’s just go to bed, then.”

“I do have some sweats in the dresser, though. If you are comfortable enough with it, I’ll slip those on.”

“Please,” I tell him, waving a hand at the dresser. “Sleep like you normally would. I think it would be miserable if you tried to sleep in your jeans. I don’t think I could.”

He grins. “Well, I usually sleep nude.”

Heat rushes to my face as my breath hitches in chest. It’s all too easy to picture myself lying next to him naked. “Well, maybe we shouldn’t go there just yet,” I joke. I’m rewarded with his laugh. God, he’s so beautiful. When he smiles like this, his face full of humor, he is every woman’s fantasy.

And apparently, he’s all mine.

His dark brown eyes sparkle, and his full lips are surrounded by a five o’clock shadow that makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter out of control. My favorite thing in the world, though is when he smiles. It hitches up just one side of his mouth, highlighting this perfect dimple. He literally makes my knees go weak.