I glance at Leo and Sean, catching Ettie’s worried gaze that matches my own. Endy and Jacob come storming in before we have a chance to ask Oracle who he was talking to. Not that it would matter. He will speak in riddles that will only leave us all more confused.

“You’re late,” Oracle says. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Was it Endy and Jacob he knew was coming? Is he even making sense at all?

“Because you knew we would eventually catch you,” Endy snarls.

I stare at the two men that I used to feel were my brothers. They drew a line in the sand that I hate. They both look nervous and on edge. Their hair is ruffled and looks unbrushed. Circles are under their eyes and are so dark that it almost looks as if someone gave them both black eyes. Tension gathers in me. Something feels wrong about this. I have warning bells going off in my head.

Completely wrong.

“We warned you not to try your tricks with us anymore Oracle. We’ve caught you and it stops now. We’re here to end this crap once and for all,” Jacob says.

Leo, Sean, and I stand up, putting Ettie behind us away from our visitors. Ettie elbows Leo, making him wince.

“Ettie!” Leo hisses through his teeth, rubbing his side.

“Stop protecting me, you big dummy,” Ettie says as she pushes her way forward. “Have you forgotten that I can take care of myself?”

“It’s my job,” Leo grumbles, making Ettie roll her eyes.

“What are you talking about, Endy?” Ettie asks.

“Oracle has violated the terms of the agreement that Leo and Seven arranged with us,” Endy says, pausing long enough to tell her. Endy may have cut us all off but it’s clear that he still thinks a lot of Ettie. Maybe there is hope for all of us to reconcile one day—that is if we can work through this latest shit they have in their head. “The deal was we would help locate Scar only if Oracle or any of you never tried to deceive us again.”

“And we’ve kept our word,” Leo argues.

“No, you haven’t. You’re lying!” Jacob growls, his focus zeroing in on Leo. Leo returns the accusation with a snarl and I’m right there with him.

“Explain what the hell you’re talking about,” I order. I’m older than Leo, Sean, and Jacob. I’ve never felt the need to show that, but I’m done holding back. There’s too much at stake to worry about this nonsense. I need my mate safe.

“I felt Oracle rummaging around in my head tonight,” Endy says, sending an angry glare towards Oracle, who’s still sitting in his chair as if nothing is happening.

“That’s impossible,” Leo says, deflating a bit. I know he’s wondering if Oracle did that very thing—because I am too.

“Oracle, did you do what they’re saying?” Ettie says, walking over to Endy and Jacob.

“See Leo, even your mate knows the truth,” Jacob interrupts, his voice annoying as fuck.

“You hush,” Ettie chastises him. Jacob steps back, looking away. Ettie can even manage to make him feel guilty. She’s got a gift when it comes to that. I never had one, but I know from my reading that Ettie is going to make the perfect mom.

I wonder if Grace wants children.

“Ettie—” Endy begins, but Ettie turns to look at him and holds up her hand.

“I don’t believe for a second that Oracle did anything wrong. If he did try to look into your mind, it was to protect us and that would be the only reason.”

“That was the excuse last time,” Endy rages.

“And it worked too!” Leo reminds him—loudly.

“I grow weary of this,” Oracle says. “I never asked to be the leader of our kind. It was foisted upon me when I should have been concentrating on a cure for my mate.”

All of us go quiet as we try to process what he’s saying.

“You don’t have a mate, you senile asshole,” Endy says, shaking his head.

We watch as Oracle stands up although his feet don’t seem to be touching the floor. All of us, even Ettie, back away in shock, collectively holding our breath. The power comes off him in waves.

“I do have a mate and she deserves my attention. Not ingrates who do not appreciate the fact that I saved their lives,” Oracle argues. He starts to float out of the room.

“Are you going to admit that you got into my mind tonight?” Endy asks.

Oracle turns slowly, shaking his head. The disdain is clear in his eyes as he glares at Endy. “Why on earth would I do that? I have more respect for myself than to go picking through a dog’s head.”

“I could kill you!” Endy screams.

Oracle seems unperturbed. In fact, he laughs. “You can’t even detect when you’re drinking from the enemy.”

“So, you admit you’ve been poisoning us with your blood and trying to read our minds. I will see to it that the Council puts you to death for this.”