“It’s not me that you’ve been drinking from.”

You can hear a pin drop as we look at Endy and Jacob.

“What does that mean? What are you talking about?” Jacob asks and I can hear the fear in his voice. Our kind doesn’t show fear easily, so instantly the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“You’re digesting Scar’s blood, and it’s strong,” Oracle says slowly like someone will miss a word if he doesn’t. “From the stench of it, you must be drinking from him at least once a week, maybe more.”

“The hell we are!” Endy says as his scowl deepens. There’s a shadow of worry that skirts across his face. If I had blinked, I would’ve missed it.

“Don’t believe me then,” Oracle says, waving it away. “Use that nose on your face to breathe in the truth. Scar’s blood is in the lab.”

“Let’s go,” Leo says, as everyone starts to file towards the lab. I stay behind. I’m seething.

Endy and Jacob showing up like this shouldn’t have happened. I don’t understand why everyone isn’t more concerned. We gave them the new passwords and protocols to enter the compound after Scar’s treachery was discovered. That doesn’t mean they should appear on their whim. They were given the information right after Draven died and Scar disappeared. That was also before they told everyone they were leaving. We considered them family, so we didn’t erase their profiles in our system.

That ends tonight.

While everyone else is preoccupied, I decide to change the codes. My top priority will always be to take care of my mate. I immediately go into our security room and sit down at the computer. I tap in new codes for the front entrance and the one above ground. Then I make sure the secret tunnels are secured at both ends. With that done, I walk back to my room and lean upon the door, knowing my mate is asleep inside. Only Grace and I are allowed to enter here without the override passcode and the only one I’ve given that information to is Oracle. She’s safe, but it doesn’t stop my worry. I flatten my hand against the door, pressing my palm against the cool metal. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, mentally calling out to her.

“Grace, please open your heart to me. I need you…so much.”




The urge to stay against my door and watch over my mate was strong. In the end, I decided to head down deeper into the compound and go to the lab. I wanted to see what was going on. Seeing it firsthand will make it easier to protect my mate.

As I walk through the door to the lab, you could cut the tension with a knife. Everyone is standing alert, and anger is the overwhelming emotion in the room. My gaze zeroes in on Endy and Jacob. They’re still pissed—their stance nothing if not confrontational. I can’t truly blame them. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this myself.

“If you’re trying to trick us, you will regret it,” Endy warns as Jacob nods in agreement.

“Naïve pups,” Oracle mutters to himself. His voice is laced with disdain. He glides over to the cabinet he keeps his samples in. He unlocks it before revealing vials. There are labels on all the glass tubes. He grabs two as Endy decides to question him again.

“Why do you have Five’s blood?” Endy rumbles out, anger laced in his words. The accusation is clear in his tone.

“It’s best to know your enemies,” Oracle says, shrugging while showing the labels. “One is mine and the other is Scar’s.”

“Why do you have yours out?” Endy asks, glaring at Oracle. “There’s no way Jacob or I will be drinking from you again. If that’s what your plan is, you can just forget it.”

“I’m valuable. You declared we are no longer family and as such, I wouldn’t waste my blood or energy on you,” Oracle says, smoothly. He’s unfazed by Endy’s attitude and insistent questions. “You and I are very different. Once I learn a lesson, I don’t need to repeat it.”

Endy surprises everyone by snapping his mouth shut—although, he continues to glare at him.

“Our blood is not the same as humans. Human blood works for food, yes, but our bodies burn through it quickly. That is why we need to refuel often until our mate is found,” Oracle says. “Once that is done, our mate and our own blood can sustain us.”

“I can attest to that,” Leo adds. He glances at Ettie as relief passes between them. I understand it and am more than a little envious. They don’t have to worry about ingesting contaminated blood and having someone else control them.

“Asshole,” I mumble under my breath, making Leo laugh.

“We aren’t like you. I don’t see why we need this lesson,” Endy says dryly, throwing Oracle’s words back at him. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.