We say our goodbyes and walk down the hallway, I can’t help my racing thoughts. “What if I never get this right? What if I’m not able to save Lucy?”

Seven looks down at me, tenderly touching my face. “You will, Gracie. You have the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known. I have no doubt in my mind that you will figure this all out. I know you. You won’t stop until you do.”

“I’m so glad that I didn’t let my fear keep me from letting you in my life, Seven. I don’t think I could survive without you,” I admit, looking up at him with a smile playing on my lips.

“I feel the exact same way. I love you, Gracie.”

“I love you too.” I grab a handful of his shirt to pull his lips to mine.

I push my tongue into his mouth as he pushes me against the wall. I’m only faintly aware of his reaching down until he picks me up, cupping my ass with his massive hands as I wrap my legs around his waist. I nibble at his bottom lip as he chuckles.

“What are you doing?” I ask as he starts towards our room, still holding me to his muscular body.

“I’m taking you to our bed. I’m going to feed you before making love to you.”

“There’s a chance I might fall asleep,” I tease, rocking my hips into his. If my stomach wasn’t already growling, I would be asking to skip dinner.

“I think I like the idea of you sleeping with me buried inside of you.”

“Then let’s hurry,” I suggest. He fake growls and I feel warm all over as his joy spreads through me.

I know we have a lot ahead of us with Scar out there somewhere lurking, not to mention saving Lucy, but we will get through it. Seven and I can do anything together.

I feel Seven moving through my mind, grabbing hold of my thoughts and smirk.

“That’s right baby. We can handle anything together.”

“Anything,” I agree, and I feel that in my soul.




“Uh,” Grace sighs, leaning back in her chair. “I feel stuffed to the brim. I don’t think I can eat another bite.”

“I don’t think you’re that stuffed, baby, but you will be shortly,” I tease. The amount of time a day I spend thinking about being buried inside Grace might just scare her. I can’t help it. I need her like I need air.

I clear the dishes, setting them into the soapy water in the sink before turning to face her. The look on her face calls to me and I know I can’t wait any longer.

“I guess the only question is how you want me to take you to bed, baby.”

“What do you mean?” Grace asks, studying me.

“Well, I can carry you over there and take what I want, or I can go sit on the bed and watch you strip down and let you take what you want.”

“Hmm,” Grace says, playfully fluttering her fingers against her chin as if she’s thinking it over.

“I have to say I do like option number one...”

“I think I know that about you—especially when we’re in the shower.”

“Well, baby, I do like you all wet…”

She rolls her eyes. “That’s why I haven’t had a shower alone since we made love. Although, I do have to admit that I like the way you manhandle me…”

“Sold,” I growl, swooping her up from her chair as she giggles.

I drop us both to the bed, cradling her in my arms, as our lips crash together. I need her now. I slide my arms underneath her, dragging up her shirt until I can pull her it over her head. I toss it to the floor and her bra shortly follows it.

I kiss way down from her lips to the hardened peaks of her nipples. Grace moans as I pull one into my mouth. God, her skin is so sweet. I flick it with my tongue. I move on to the other, sucking it into my mouth, moving my hand up to the play with the one I just teased. I wouldn’t want it to get lonely... She grabs the hem of my shirt, pushing it up. I help her and together we get it off so that it falls to the floor. Holding her like this—skin against skin—has my cock so hard that I could pound nails with it into pure concrete. I need to be inside her before I lose complete control.

I move down, nibbling on her tender flesh until I reach the soft skin of her belly. I’m just about to remove her pajama shorts when she puts her hands over mine.

“I want to taste you, Seven.”

I stop moving. Fuck, I might stop breathing. We’ve done a lot of things together, but her sucking on my cock is a pleasure I’ve been waiting for.