My mouth drops open, feeling like I need a notepad and pen just to write down all these things I’ve never even thought about before. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to sit here and talk about your leaky tits all day, but if we don’t hurry up and get dressed, we’re going to miss our manicures.”

Dani shrugs and gets back to clasping her bra again. “You’re the one who asked,” she says with a grin before sliding her clothes back on.

Pulling my phone out to check the time, I find a text from Tank and open it to find a photo of Miller changing Mia’s diaper, shit literally up the walls. A barking laugh tears from the back of my throat and I hand Dani the phone, knowing she lives to see her husband like this.

“Oh, shit,” Dani laughs, tears springing to her eyes. “Miller is never going to let me leave again.”

“Yeah, he will,” I say. “He’s way too in love with you to hold it against you.”

“He is, isn’t he?” she says with a sweet smile, getting that same dreamy look on her face that appears every time she thinks about how much she loves her man.

“Ugh, don’t start this shit,” I groan as I take the phone back and actually checking the time, my eyes bugging out of my head. “Oh, shit. Our appointment at the nail salon starts in like . . . three minutes.”

Dani gasps as we collect our belongings and make our way over to the nail salon, making sure to thank our masseurs on the way.

We make it to our appointment right on time, and they are more than happy to squeeze us in for pedicures as well. The lady sends us off to choose a nail polish color, and I pick out a deep red as Dani chooses a dirty brown color that looks suspiciously like the shit I saw smeared across the nursery room walls. I try to hold in a cringe at her choice as we take our seats to be pampered, but let’s face it. I don’t have enough self-control for that shit.

The ladies taking care of our manicures are speaking in another language, and I can’t help but feel as though they’re talking about us. I mean, do I have something on my face? Did I put my dress on wrong? Are Dani’s tits leaking through her breast pads? Seriously, what’s up?

I try my best to tune them out, and when I finally do, my little guy starts kicking me in the ribs, reminding me he’s there and ready for a little attention. I place my free hand on my stomach and feel as he kicks me while I relax further into the chair, realizing just how badly I needed this.

This pregnancy has been exhausting. I’ve just sailed through the five-month mark and have only just stopped throwing up. Though, I haven’t had much time to be thankful for the reprieve since the heartburn began. My feet ache by the end of each day, and I spend the majority of my time uncomfortable, especially when I’m trying to sleep. I have to tuck a pillow between my legs to ease the pain in my back, but apparently there’s a special pillow made for this shit that I’ve been searching for everywhere.

I have no idea how I’m going to cope over the next few months, but it will be worth it when I hold my beautiful little boy in my arms.

Hearing a light snore beside me, I glance over and grin as I take in the sight of my best friend, fast asleep, barely able to hold her head up as her manicurist goes about her business. I consider waking her, knowing she’ll be pissed she missed yet another chance of being pampered, but despite how she feels about it, she needs her sleep more.

Forty minutes later, I wake Dani and she glares at me for allowing it to happen again.

After piling back into Dani’s car, we head out for something to eat and I listen to her constant ranting about allowing her to sleep through her nail appointment, when out of nowhere she slams on the brake in the middle of the busy street, almost sending me crashing into the dash.

I barely manage to catch myself, gaping at her with wide eyes when overwhelming sobs tear from deep in her chest, tears rushing down her face. I gape at her for a moment, wondering what the fuck just went down in the last few seconds that I clearly missed. “What the hell?” I gasp as I stare at her like she’s gone insane, my gaze flicking over her body, making sure she’s physically alright.

When the broken sobs don’t stop, I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean across, pulling her into my arms, letting her cry it out on my shoulder as we ignore the pissed off drivers making their way around us, horns blaring.