“Dude,” Miller laughs as he comes into the nursery and sees my progress. “You got her diaper on backwards.”

“Fuck,” I groan before starting the whole process over again.

Ten minutes later, I’ve successfully gotten her changed, and I take her back out to the living room. After making her up a new play area, I put her down as Miller comes out of the kitchen with two more beers. We each crash down onto the couch in relief and take pleasure in our drinks, never feeling so deserving of one in my life. Shit, I’ve played multiple championship games and nothing was harder than what we just endured.

I’m so glad that’s over. Mia couldn’t possibly throw any more surprises our way.

ESPN goes straight back on as Mia giggles to herself while she plays with a toy elephant. I look over at her, as happy as can be, and I know without a doubt that Sophie and I are doing the right thing. Being a parent is going to be the most rewarding thing we’ll ever do.

Chapter 3


Dani and I walk out of our couples massage and I let out a heavy sigh, never having been so relaxed in my life. It was so damn good, and only serves to remind me that I’ve waited far too long to do this. I swear, nothing will ever compare to how good Tank makes me feel, but that massage came in a close second.

Dani groans as we make our way up the hallway and into the bathroom, our matching robes pulled tight at our waists. “What’s wrong?” I ask, as we reach our lockers and I start pulling off my complimentary robe to get dressed.

“I fell asleep,” she whines, her bottom lip pouting out. “All I wanted was to relax and enjoy my massage, but then I had to go and fall asleep. It’s like I’ve missed the whole thing. Like, why wouldn’t she wake a bitch up?”

I can’t help but grin at the idiot. “Come on, it’s not that bad,” I tell her.

“Are you kidding?” she grunts as she strips out of her robe. “I pushed a watermelon out of my lady taco three months ago, and that watermelon has been sucking on my tits ever since. I hardly know what sleep is, and my stomach looks like it’s suffered through a hurricane,” she says. “Is it too much to ask that I actually enjoy my massage rather than be unconscious for the whole thing?”

“Okay, Momma,” I say. “Calm down. We’re getting our nails done next. You’ve had your power nap, so you can relax while some lady fusses over you without the fear of falling asleep. What do you say to a pedicure as well? And if that doesn’t do the trick, I’ll bring you back next week for another massage.”

Dani pouts, but the idea of getting pampered cheers her up. “I mean, my nails really have been neglected these past few weeks,” she says with a little whine as she grabs her bra and starts to get dressed. She drops her robe, completely naked in the big bathroom without a hint of shame, and goddamn, she looks great after pushing out that watermelon.

She reaches behind herself to clasp her bra, and in any other scenario, I would have looked away to give her just a fraction of privacy. But when she shoves pads inside her bra, all I can do is gape. What the hell is she doing? They’re definitely not chicken fillets. I’ve seen her tits before, and it’s not as though she needs the extra padding. Her boobs are huge right now.

Unable to help myself, I let my intrusive thoughts fly free. “What the fuck are you stuffing your bra with?” I ask as I stare at her.

A massive grin cracks across her face, and suddenly her untimely afternoon nap is all but forgotten. “They’re breast pads for when you’re breastfeeding or pumping,” she explains.

“What?” I ask, dumbfounded, realizing just how much of this baby momma stuff I’ve still got to learn. “You mean, like, menstrual pads for your tits?”

Dani laughs. “Kind of. Watch this.”

She reaches behind herself and unclasps her bra, letting the straps fall down her arms, the pads going right along with it. Then I watch in shock as milk starts leaking from her swollen tits. “Oh, my God,” I gasp, holding onto my own, fearful for their future. “Is that shit going to happen to me?”

“Probably,” she laughs. “If I give it a squeeze, I could squirt you,” she adds, facing away, unable to resist giving me a demonstration. I watch in horror as a perfect arc of milk squirts from her left tit and splashes against the bench. “Miller hates it when I do it.”

“Yeah, no shit,” I sputter. “Does that hurt?”

“Eh,” she shrugs. “It’s not exactly comfortable, but you get used to it. Some women really hate it, while others think it’s great. I’m chilling somewhere in the middle. It certainly has its benefits. You know, like when you need to put your husband back in his place. Full disclaimer, this shit can get sticky. Like if it gets on you and you don’t wipe it away, you’ll feel it there until you wash it off properly. Also, sometimes during Mia’s feeds, she’ll just kinda pull away for a break, and it’ll just leak all over her face.”