Chapter 13


He’s been gone a week, but it feels like years.

I’ve been good about not texting him too much or acting like I can’t live without him. Because I can live without him.

I just don’t want to.

I know he’s dealing with a lot of stuff with his family. He’s been moving his mom into a new apartment in Florida so she can be close to her sister.

I mean, he’s helping his mom get out of an abusive situation, for the love of Moses, so it’s not like I can really complain. I don’t want to complain.

But I’d just gotten used to having him around, to being with him so much, and then he left on this trip.

And I miss him.

“Earth to Sophie.”

I turn to Becs and raise an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

“For God’s sake, when does the sexy quarterback come back?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t heard from him in a few days.” I shrug a shoulder, trying to act nonchalant. “He’ll be home when he’s finished with everything that needs him there.”

She nods. “Well, I hope it’s soon because you’ve been moody as fuck since he left.”

“I have not.”

“Right. Snapping at me because I didn’t wash the grapes this morning isn’t moody.”

“Okay, that was a bad moment. I’m sorry for that.”

“You never snap, so I know you’re missing him. It’s okay. If I was doing the bump and grind with the delicious Ike, I’d be missing him, too. I bet he has an excellent penis.”

“You’re so classy.” But she made me laugh, and I didn’t realize how badly I needed that. “And maybe a little perverted.”

“Oh, honey, you haven’t seen anything.” Becs laughs as she wipes down my countertop. “Seriously, though, you’ve seemed sad. Don’t worry, no one would notice, especially not in your videos, but I know you, and I can see it.”

“I’m not sad,” I reply thoughtfully and tap my lips as I think about it. “I’m really proud of him for taking care of his mom and for standing up to his deadbeat dad. I think, more than anything, I’m lonely for him. Which is so silly because I’ve only known him for a few weeks, but we’d already started to meld into each other’s lives, and I got used to it, you know?”

“Yeah, you’re a routine girl, for sure. Sometimes, I wonder if you’re seventy.”

“I’m not sure how to respond to that.”

“Hey, I love you, even if you act like an old lady sometimes. Doesn’t bother me at all. You miss him. Nothing wrong with that.”

Now I’ll be thinking about the fact that Becs thinks I act like a senior citizen all day. I won’t have time to worry about when Ike’s coming home.

“Okay, friend, I have to go. I have about twelve hours of film to cut down to three-minute vids, a plethora of photos to edit, and you have a bunch of emails, too.”

“I know. I’m planning to make myself some tea and sit down with the laptop this afternoon. I can’t wait to see what you do with that footage. You should do a bloopers reel. The viewers love that.”

“We haven’t done that in a while. You got it. Do you need anything else? I’m going to be out of town next week.”

“I haven’t forgotten,” I reply with a wink. “Go. Enjoy your Hawaiian vacation. You totally deserve it.”

She does a little happy dance, and then she’s off. We’ve worked double the hours this week so that I have plenty of content next week while Becs is gone. The viewers won’t be any the wiser.

I’ve just set the water on the stove to boil when my phone rings.

My heart leaps when I see Ike’s name.

“Hey,” I say into the phone. “How’s it going?”

“God, it’s good to hear your voice.” He sounds tired. “I’m good. Really good, actually. It’s been a crazy week, but Mom’s all settled in her new place, with new furniture and everything.”

“That was fast.”

“I might have bribed the owner of the store with a signed jersey if he would put a rush on delivery.”

“Nice flex.” I grin and pour the hot water over my tea bag. “Is her new place cute?”

“Yeah, it is, actually. Not huge, but she has two bedrooms and two bathrooms, and she’s just down the hall from her sister. They’re excited to be together.”

“I’m surprised you were able to find her a place so fast, in exactly the building she wanted.”

“Me, too. It had just opened up, and I snagged it. I’m telling you, it all came together perfectly, as if it were just meant to be.”

“Because it was. Any word from your dad?”

He sighs, and I wish I could reach out and hug him.

“I haven’t heard from him, but Mom has. He calls or texts her incessantly. He doesn’t know how to do anything, Soph. Laundry, dishes, even the fucking lawn. None of it. She has been his slave. The last time he called, she suggested he hire a housekeeper and hung up on him.”