“Good for her. Ike, I really hope he doesn’t cause problems for her, like trying to track her down and hurt her.”

“He won’t,” he says, and I can hear the conviction in his voice. “He’s tried to coerce her into coming home, but he’s just bruised more than anything. His pride is hurt. He doesn’t love my mom. He doesn’t give a shit if he’s married to her. What he cares about most is the money. As fucked-up as it sounds, I honestly think he’s more heartbroken over me cutting him off than he is about losing his wife.”

“That’s just…sad,” I decide with a frown.

“It’s pathetic. But I have good news.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m on my way home.”

I stop stirring my tea and feel my heart climb into my throat. “Really? Right now?”

“Yep. I’m about to board the flight to Seattle.”

“When do you land? I’ll pick you up!”

“Actually, I have a ride, but I was kind of hoping you might want to meet me at my place. I’ve missed you, sweetheart.”

I sigh happily. “I’ll be there. I’ve missed you, too. What do you need? Should I cook? Do you need me to clean up anything?”

“Pam’s there today, so it’ll be clean, but thanks for offering. I just need you, baby.”

“You’ve got me. Shoot me your flight number so I can stalk the plane. I’m excited to see you.”

“I like the sound of that. Okay. I better go. They’re calling my group now.”

“Have a safe flight, and I’ll see you soon.”

“Bye, beautiful.”

“Bye.” I hang up and jump up and down excitedly. “Oh my God, he’s coming home! Okay, I’m gonna pour this in a to-go mug and go over to his place. I can take my laptop. I’ll make him dinner.”

With that decided, I gather my things and load it all up in my backpack, grab the insulated cup full of tea, and set off.

I get to see my man in just a few hours.

The grocery store was surprisingly empty today, and I was able to take my time gathering everything I need. I could have gone the fancy route, but Ike’s going to be exhausted. A day of traveling is tiring enough, but add in the emotional family stuff, and it’s just a lot.

So, I went with comfort food. I’m going to make a healthy and delicious lasagna with bread, and I decided to throw caution to the wind and make him some carrot cake for dessert.

Carrots are vegetables, so that’s healthy, too.

I key in the code on the pad to drive through his gate, and when I pull up to the house, I see a car that must be his housekeeper, Pam’s.

I don’t want to be in her way, but I’m just so excited to be here, so I grab some bags of groceries and walk through the front door.


I can hear a vacuum running upstairs, which means she can’t hear me.

“Good, I’m not in her way.” I cross to the kitchen, pleased to see that she’s already finished up in here, and get to work putting away groceries, then walk out to my car for the last few bags.

When I’m on my way back in, Pam’s just coming down the stairs and screams when she sees me.

“Oh my God!” She almost slips but grabs on to the railing.

“Oh, shit! I’m so sorry! I’m Sophie.”

“Scared me,” she says and pats her chest. “I thought I heard someone, but I wasn’t expecting…anyway. Hello there. Is Ike home?”

“No, he’s on a plane here now. I thought I’d come over and cook him dinner. He’s expecting me.”

Pam smiles and walks down the rest of the stairs. “He told me that he’d been dating someone. You’re quite beautiful.”

I blink at her and then feel my cheeks flush. “Thank you. Will I be in your way if I putter around in the kitchen?”

“Not at all. I’m just finishing up. I was going to put something in the oven for him, but it looks like you’ll be saving me that step. The boy needs to eat more home-cooked meals.”

“I’ve been doing some of that for him since we’ve been dating. I’m a nutritionist.”

“Well, hallelujah. You go ahead and putter around, dear. Just call me if you need me.”

“Same goes, thanks.”

Pam goes back to work, and I get settled in the kitchen. First, I open my laptop at the round kitchen table in the nook and key in his flight information so I can see how long he has before he lands.

We’re really far from Florida. It’s at least a five-hour flight, maybe longer, so I have plenty of time before I have to get the lasagna in the oven. Sure enough, he lands in three hours.

Then there’s another hour from the airport to his place, with traffic.

So, rather than get started cooking, I decide to get some work done first. If I can crack down and focus for a little while, I’ll be able to shift that focus to Ike for the rest of the night.