“Then that’s what we’ll do. Lead the way.”

“How did we all end up on the floor?” I ask Stella, who’s sitting next to me. We lost our shoes a long time ago. And now, there’s a group of us girls on the floor, giggling like loons.

“Someone fell, someone else tried to help, and here we are,” Stella says with a giggle. “It’s really kind of comfy.”

“We might get botulism,” I reply. “Or mange. Or hepatitis.”

“Which one?” Liv asks, staring at me through just one eye.

“Which one what?”

“Which hepatitis?”

I think about it for a minute and then shrug. “Does it matter?”

“Kinda.” Liv closes both eyes. “I can’t feel my lips. Does that mean I have mange? Oh my God, I’m getting married in a week! I can’t have mange!”

“You don’t have the mange, you have martiniitis.” That’s Maddie’s voice. “I don’t know if you can see it, but our guys are looking at us the way a tiger stares at a gazelle.”

“What’s a gazelle?” Josie wants to know.

“You know, those deer-like things. They’re hungry. For us,” Maddie replies.

“I’m gonna open my eye and see,” Liv says. “Yep. They want us. You guys, Vaughn gives the best orgasms.”

“Impossible,” Stella says, waving her hand drunkenly. “Because Gray gives the best ones.”

“But have you had one in an airplane bathroom?” Maddie asks with a giggle. “It’s a whole new level of orgasm.”

“Gray has a thing for elevators,” Stella says with a smug smile. “And it doesn’t suck, let me tell you.”

“I used to have a stuffed animal,” I begin, but Stella cuts me off with a snort.

“If you tell me that stuffy gave you good orgasms, you’ll be excommunicated from this party.”

“No. Ew. I named him ‘Gasm because he had wild hair.”

Everyone is quiet for a minute. “That’s both cute and disturbing,” Josie decides.

“I think they’re coming,” I alert the others.

“That’s what he said,” Liv replies and then snort laughs. “Get it?”

“I’m gonna need to have sex,” I inform Ike as he approaches. He stops cold and looks surprised. “Like, right away.”

“I mean, we’re in public right now, sweetheart.”

“When we’re not in public.”

“Same,” Liv chimes in and reaches for Vaughn, who just lifts her right up off the floor. “All the sexy sex. Super sexy sex. SSS.”

“Oh my God, we’re wasted,” Josie says and smiles goofily at her man, Brax. “Come on, let’s do the SSS.”

“Your wish is my command.”

When we’re up off the floor, and we’ve hugged and said goodbye to everyone, our guys pour us into waiting vehicles.

“We should go to my place,” I inform Ike when he’s at the wheel. “It’s closer, and I need the SSS.”

“I had no idea that alcohol made you this horny.”

I grin over at him. “Well, duh. Don’t you remember when I called you from the party, wanting it? But this time, I’m not too drunk. I’m just right. And I’m going to ride you like…I don’t even know. But it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

“I can’t wait.”

He parks next to my car in the underground parking lot and helps me out of the truck so he can lead me to the elevator.

Once the doors are closed, I’m on him.

“I could just climb you like a goddamn tree.” My hands are in his hair, and his are on my ass as I boost myself up to kiss him and rub myself all over him.

God, there are too many clothes involved.

The doors ding as they open on my floor, and he doesn’t set me down. He just carries me right to my apartment.

He keys in the code to unlock the door and pushes inside.

“Couch,” I say against his mouth.

“No.” He carries me to the kitchen island and sets me on top. The stone countertop is cold on my ass, and he squats in front of me, parts my legs, tears my panties out of the way, and plants his mouth on me.

“Oh, shit.” I lean back on my elbows, giving him better access. “Oh, hell yes. Have I mentioned how much I love your mouth?”

He moans against me, and the vibration is just amazing. It pushes me up the hill toward the promised land.

And then Ike yanks me off the counter, turns me around, and bends me over.

“Hard and fast,” he pants against my ear. “Tell me if that’s not what you want.”

“I want it.” I push my backside out more. “Hell yes, I want it.”

I hear his zipper and the rustle of clothes, and then he’s pushing into me, his hands firm on my hips as he pounds me hard, filling me so deliciously, I cry out his name.

My body is shivering in delight when he comes, and his groans make me shiver again.

Everything about this man is sexy as hell.

“Yeah, that’s what I needed,” I breathe against the counter. “I’ve needed it all day.”