His hand glides from the back of my neck, down my spine, to my ass.

“You never have to ask me twice.”

Chapter 12


“What’s wrong?”

We’ve been lying in her bed for quite some time. I thought for sure she was asleep, after all the dancing, alcohol, and sex.

But it seems I was wrong.

I kiss her forehead softly. “Go to sleep.”

“I can feel that something’s off,” she says and sits up, leans over, and flips on the bedside light. “Was my family too much for you tonight? I know they’re a lot. Maybe we’re not at the meet the family stage yet.”

“Your cousins are great. I told you before, I’ll gladly meet anyone you want me to. Hell, I already know your uncle pretty well.” And it’s the truth. Sure, I got the third degree a few times tonight from some of the cousins, but everyone was nice. “I was going to talk with you in the morning.”

“I mean, if you’re breaking up with me, which sounds super dramatic because it’s not even like we’ve established that we’re in a committed relationship or anything, I guess it’s good that we had some great sex tonight.”

I move swiftly and pin her beneath me on the bed, kissing the hell out of her.

And when I come up for air, I can see the confusion and hurt swimming in those gorgeous blue eyes.

“Let’s get something straight. We’re in a committed relationship. I’m absolutely not breaking up with you. For fuck’s sake, Soph, I’m completely addicted to you.”

The hurt leaves, and it’s replaced with a happy smile.

“Oh, good. Same goes. So, tell me what’s wrong. I’ve sensed it all night.”

Is it nuts that we’ve only known each other for such a short time, and yet she can already read me so well?


I sit up and push my hands through my hair, blow out a breath, and gather my thoughts.

“I have to go to Oklahoma tomorrow.”


“Yeah.” I nod my head and look over at her. She doesn’t look mad or frustrated. She just looks concerned. “Family stuff. I told you my dad would cause a fuss when he found out about the new contract.”

“And he’s causing a fuss.”

“Yeah. He is. He’s not a good person, Sophie. And he thinks I owe him everything. That I should keep just enough to scrape by and give him the rest.”

“Absofuckinglutely not.”

Her face is mutinous, and I lean over to kiss her nose. “Agreed. I did that for a while because I thought that was normal. But, after talking with the other guys, Will, and the financial planners, I’ve learned otherwise. So, I get to go have a really uncomfortable conversation with my old man.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“No.” I immediately shake my head and reach for her hand, link our fingers, and kiss her knuckles. “Thank you for wanting to. But no. It’s not going to be a pretty scene, and I won’t have my dad say shit about you, to your face or behind your back. Because he’s gonna be damn pissed, and he’ll lash out at you. He will not have that satisfaction.”

She sighs but doesn’t argue. “I seriously hate this for you.”

“I should have stood up to him a long time ago.”

“What about your mom?”

“She’s why I never stood my ground, to be honest. She’s so bullied and broken down, and she’s the one who has to face his wrath whenever something doesn’t go his way. So, yeah, I put up with a lot from him and gave him way more money than I should have, for her. But not anymore. I’m going to offer to take her out of there. And I need you to know that if she wants to come back to Washington with me, I’ll bring her.”

“Of course, you will. Do you think that would be a bad thing for me, knowing how family oriented I am?”

“No, but I’m not going to assume anything at all. She’s my mom. And I can’t leave her there with him unless she insists on staying.”

“Which she might do,” Sophie says softly. “She might not think she’s strong enough to leave.”

“I’m hoping that’s not the case.”

“When do you fly out?”

“The plane leaves at nine. I’ll just leave my truck at the airport while I’m gone.”

“Bullshit.” She stares at me like I’ve just told her I’m going to drive it off of a cliff. “I’ll take you to the airport. And I’ll pick you up. Anything you need.”

I pull her against me, and we lie back down, snuggled together. “Thank you. Honestly, thanks a lot.”

“It’s nothing.”

But she’s wrong. It’s everything. I don’t know that anyone has ever been this quick to jump in and help, to be so understanding.

Not only is Sophie gorgeous and smart, but she’s special, as well, and I’ll do everything I can to keep her in my life.