Miguel and Hector are both silent as I continue to share everything, and they’re not judgmental at all (take note, CJ). They listen and ask about Felix, about how he’s doing and if there’s anything he needs, they want to help, and I realize how fucking lucky I am to have friends who care this much.

But it also makes me further pissed at my brother. Because he hasn’t asked about Felix, has he? Not once.

And before I get back to work at the end of our break, I shoot off another text.

Go fuck yourself

CJ’s truck is gone when I get home later that night, and that’s a good thing.

I’m still not ready to have this talk he wants us to have and if he pushed it with me right now, I know I’d say something I’d have a hard time taking back.

Plus, I’m tired and my muscles ache, and I still want to beat his ass.

I’ll cool off in a few days and we can talk then.

Felix texted earlier when he finally got up and told me he was planning a self-care day (his words), which I figured meant he was going to be laying around and resting, so I think he’ll be hanging out in my room when I walk inside the house. Maybe even sleeping again.

Yeah. That’s not what he’s doing.

I stop a foot inside the house after closing the door, and there must be something wrong with me, because Felix is seated on the couch with a floral shower cap on his head and two-toned green mud on his cheeks, nose, and forehead, and there’s yarn all around him—he’s obviously knitting something—and I still want to fuck his brains out.

“Hi, Jake!”

He’s bright-eyed and his usual shade of pale, and so damn excited to see me. He always is.

He’s like coming home to a golden retriever.

I cross the room until I’m standing in front of his blanket covered legs, and when he tilts his head to look at me, I brace my hands behind him on the back of the couch and bend down and kiss him.

“Hi,” I say, hovering over his hot mouth.


“You look really good.”

Felix blinks, and even with stuff all over his face, I can tell just how red he’s getting.

“You look really good.” His eyes run down my chest and back up again. “I look… well, I was going to say ridiculous, but I know I shouldn’t put myself down like that. Let’s just say I’ve looked better.”

I shake my head, and when he nods in challenge, I kiss him again to make him stop.

He sighs against me.

“How do you feel?” I ask.


I smirk. “Be straight with me.”

“No can do, bro. The only straight I am is straight up gay.” He points finger guns and winks, and we’re both laughing now. “Seriously, though. I’m better. I feel good.”

My mind goes to the dirtiest place, because Felix sets me up so perfectly, doesn’t he?

“Yeah. I bet you feel good.”

His eyes go wide before I actually hear him swallow.

“Put your hand on my dick, Jake.”

I glance down, and I’m ready to jack him off right here and put my mouth all over him and finally find how he tastes, God knows I want to, but—

“Why are you covered in yarn?” I ask instead.

“Oh. I’m crocheting.”

Felix raises a square patch of knitted yarn between us. It’s no bigger than a napkin.

I look at him. “Am I supposed to guess what that is?”

“I’m making a baby blanket for Riley. What the fuck else would it be.”

“I don’t know.” My brow furrows. “It’s not like I walked in here expecting to find you knitting.”


“Same thing.”

“Uh. No.”

“Okay.” I really don’t care. “Is this something you do?”

“I used to when I first really got serious about getting clean. It was my hobby. I taught myself. You have baking and I have this.”

“Aren’t we a pair.”

He smiles. “I know, right?”

When Felix scratches at the shower cap on his head, I finally really focus on it.

“You didn’t cut your hair, did you?” I ask, trying to see through it.


He gasps, and yeah, I already know what he’s about to say.

“Oh my god. You’re worried, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not.”


“Would it piss you off if I did cut it?”



He grins. “Bullshit. You’d be so mad, you’d probably cry about it. Haha. Pussy.”

“Nah. I’d just break up with you.”


“Shut up.” I kiss him again, and he moans when he feels my tongue. “Don’t cut it though, all right?”

He chuckles softly. “Don’t worry. It’s just a coconut and papaya conditioning mask.” Felix reshapes the cap around his face, pushing it farther off his forehead. “Riley said it’ll make my hair voluptuous.”

“Voluminous,” she corrects, entering the room from the hallway.

She has the same green mud all over her face, but no shower cap. Her long blonde hair is in braids.