“Sing it with me, Jake!” he hollers.
My face and neck are burning as I look down into my lap, and wouldn’t Felix get a kick out of seeing me turn red for once?
I glance over my shoulder when Hector throws my name into the song, and nearly choke.
Because the only thing crazier than Hector serenading everyone is Miguel standing next to him, proudly waving the giant American Flag that’s typically hanging off one of the excavators. I’m not even sure when or how he got that down.
“I love this country!” he yells.
“Miguel, what the hell are you doing!”
Reed’s voice turns my head and cuts Hector off mid chorus, and then he and Miguel are both scrambling out of the bed of the truck and stumbling over each other as they try not to trip over the flag or let it touch the ground. They both run with it across the job site to where Reed is standing and gesturing at the excavator.
“Dumbasses,” I mumble.
If they get canned, I’m quitting.
I tug the phone out of my pocket when it vibrates, and the smile slips right off my face as I read the message from my brother.
We need to talk.
Yeah, I probably should’ve counted to ten or something before responding, but I know exactly what CJ is going to say and I really don’t want to hear it.
He can choke on his judgmental bullshit for all I care.
We’ll talk when I’m ready.
I clear my notifications, which includes two more Tinder alerts, and since I got everything I wanted out of that app, I don’t even bother checking to see who swiped on me. I delete the app off my phone.
Then I pull up my messages with Felix and see I’m still on Delivered.
Good. He needs the sleep.
I stuff the phone back into my pocket and look up just as Miguel and Hector walk back over.
“Did you just get fired?” I ask.
“No. But that is a daily worry I have.” Miguel wipes the sweat off his brow before hoisting himself up onto the tailgate again. “Now. I believe you were right about to tell us all about your new lover, Felix.”
“Just say boyfriend.”
“What’s his star sign?” Hector asks, and he’s finally well into his first taquito of the day. “I was getting a very strong Piscean vibe the other night. Which we all know just happens to be the most romantic sign.”
“No one would know that but you,” I deadpan.
“Incorrect, Jake,” Miguel adds. “And while I agree with Hector, I fear the secretive tendencies of our beloved Felix. That is, if he is indeed a Pisces.”
“Addicts do tend to be secretive,” Hector remarks.
A solemn look is passed between them.
Shoot me.
“How the fuck should I know what his sign is?”
“Uh. Birthday? Hello.” Miguel chuckles. “This guy, Hector.”
“I just love him,” Hector says.
“It’s not necessary to have this information before you start dating someone, but most people know to ask, Jake.”
“Oh really.” I glare at Miguel. “Most people?”
Every conversation the three of us have is weird.
“Well, maybe not most people. But I personally like to ask. Don’t you, Hector?”
“Yes. Absolutely.”
“God forbid baby boy turns out to be a Gemini.”
Hector gasps so fucking dramatically.
“Jake,” he pleads, hand clutching at his chest. He suddenly looks sick.
I give up.
“Oh my god, fine.” I scrub a hand down my face. “Even though I don’t think it means jack shit, I’ll ask Felix what his sign is.”
“That’s smart, Jake,” Hector says.
“Very smart.” Miguel holds out his bag of chips, offering me one.
“You’re welcome, Jakey.”
I pop the chip in my mouth and watch Hector polish off his second taquito.
And you should see the look of relief on his face right now.
This stupid shit really matters to him. To both of them. And maybe part of their obsession with birthday signs or whatever the fuck they’re called has nothing to do with me, but the other part of it does.
I realize Miguel and Hector are only thinking about me right now and if the universe considers Felix and I to be compatible because they want us to be compatible. They’re rooting for us.
And how the fuck could I ever think any of this is stupid or weird?
I smile at Hector, and he immediately smiles back.
“Hi, Jake,” he says.
I shake my head. Then I look over at Miguel and he’s grinning at me already.
“What’s got you all happy, Jake?” he asks. “A certain tattooed dreamboat?”
A laugh catches in my throat.
“Actually,” I begin.
Hector moves closer with an “Oh, shit. Here we go,” and Miguel is seated sideways now and giving me his full attention, and they’re both so damn excited to hear about this and happy for me, for us, themselves included because Felix is now their friend based solely on association.
“He’s our newest bff, Jake!”
And I’d laugh at that but why the fuck would I when they’re actually concerned for Felix after I tell them about his relapse and everything his dad put him through.