“I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Jake,” Miguel growls. “Don’t do this to us! We need to know what’s happened!”

“Don’t do what? There’s nothing to tell you.”

Oh, but there is.

So much has happened in three days, and I’ll share all of it with them, I will.

I just want to have a little fun first.

“What happened after you left the other night with Felix?” Hector asks, and I can tell just how badly he wants this information by the way he’s completely ignoring his lunch cooler. He’s typically the first one finished eating. “I feel like a lot happened, Jake.”

“Do you?”

“I do too,” Miguel says. “And damn, Jake. Baby boy is cuteee.”

“So cute,” Hector adds.

I fight the smile of my life.

But damn, are they right. He really is.

And just like that, my mind wanders to Felix and how I left him this morning—fully clothed still and dead to the world. Nothing I did woke him up.

I try to be quiet when I get ready for work since I’m typically the only one awake that early, but I tripped over my work boots and headbutted the dresser after Felix rolled from his back to his stomach and flexed his ass so his dick rubbed against the mattress, and since I couldn’t stop watching him sleep like a psychopath, I was lucky enough to see that happen.

And even though I cursed and groaned, not to mention the sound my head made on impact, Felix didn’t stir at all.

“What happened here?” Miguel presses his finger against the bruising bump above my temple.

I shrug him off and wince. “Nothing. Stop.”

“Did Jason do this?”

“What.” I cut him a look. “That pussy wouldn’t touch me.”

“I’m so happy he’s fired.”

“Everyone is.”

“Remember the noise he made when you busted his face open, Jake?” Hector asks.

I grin at the memory.

“Music to my ears,” Miguel says, and I swear I’ve never seen him happier.

It makes me think about all the times Jason talked shit. He always singled out Miguel and Hector.

Fucking douche. I should’ve stood up to him sooner.

“If anyone else gives either one of you a problem, you need to tell me. I’ll handle it.”

I look between the two of them when neither one responds, and I’m met with the softest expressions.

“What?” I ask.

“You’d stick up for us?” Hector asks.

“Of course, I would. What the fuck kind of question is that?”

“A valid one,” he mumbles, looking at the dirt.


“Why? I thought we were friends.”

Hector gestures with his hand, saying “Miguel, explain”, and he still won’t look at me.

“Are you mad at me or something?” I ask.

Miguel throws his arm around my shoulders and sighs. “No, Jake. We could never be mad at you. We’re just surprised.”


“Well. We just didn’t know if you liked us as much as we liked you.”

“Okay. Well, now you know.”

“Oh, Jakey.”

He rests his head against my head and tightens his arm around me, and did he just sniffle?

I’d call his dramatic ass out if I didn’t feel bad for being a shitty friend and making this a thing.

But I guess I am a shitty friend.

And how they’re both reacting? That’s all on me.

The hug goes on for a while, and I don’t shrug Miguel off. I let this awkward sideways embrace happen, even though I am fully aware how this looks and can already hear every lame remark the other guys are going to give me later on about this, especially after a catcall whistle cuts through the air (fuck whoever that was). The thing is, I’ve never cared what most people think. And harmless joking around comes with working construction.

We bust each other’s balls, and I’ve never had issues with anyone here besides fuck-face Jason.

Miguel gives me one final squeeze before dropping his arm. “Thanks, Jake. I needed that.”

“No problem.”

“Friendship is such a beautiful thing,” Hector says, his voice filled with awe.

“It really is. And who knew Tully could be so sweet?” Miguel jabs at his chest. “Not me. Not me, Hector. I was completely unprepared for this conversation. You?”

“Not me either. Wow, Jake.”

“No wonder Felix wants a piece,” Miguel says, and oh he sounds so pleased with himself now.

“Here we go,” I mumble.

“Speaking of, you better give us something, Jake. Friends don’t keep secrets. And if Hector doesn’t eat soon, he’ll probably die.”

On hearing that, I glance from Miguel to Hector to the cooler Hector now holds in front of himself, his eyes pleading with me.

“I’m getting weak,” Hector whispers. “Need… sustenance.”

I take another bite of my sandwich and I swear his face pales.

“Jake,” he whimpers.

“Fine. I’ll tell you what happened with my boyfriend.”

Cue the biggest overreaction in history. I am not even kidding.

They’re both cheering at the top of their lungs, so loud my ears begin to ring, and then they’re hugging and congratulating me before hugging and congratulating each other (I can’t say I’m surprised) and there’s no way everyone on this job site and possibly the next town over doesn’t hear Hector’s rendition of Elton John’s “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” as he belts the chorus from the back of the truck.