I remember us earlier when we were lying together, and how fucking nice his dick is, and that’s the last thing I should be thinking about right now.
We both need sleep.
“How’s your headache?” I ask.
“Gone. Thank fuck.” He licks chocolate frosting clean off one half. “You sure you don’t want any?”
“No. I gotta get to bed.”
“Me too.”
“Do you think you can sleep now?”
He nods, mouth stuffed full, and closes the box before tucking it against his chest and throwing his arm around it.
He drops his head to the inside of his arm and closes his eyes, and if it was anyone else cuddling up to a box of donuts, I’d probably think it was weird and say something to them about it, but it’s Felix.
Nothing about this is weird.
But I don’t expect him to pass out so quickly or even at all. That’s why I keep talking to him as I stand from the bed and strip down to my boxers.
“My brother can be such a judgmental asshole, I swear to God. He acts like he’s better than everyone just because he never went to rehab.”
I toss my clothes into the corner of the room.
“He treats me like I can’t handle anything without him. It’s like, back the fuck off. If I want your help, I’ll ask.”
I set the empty gift bag on the floor and swipe up the cookbook. I place it on the table beside the bed.
“And it’s like, no matter what I say, he doesn’t listen to me. And he always acts like a cop. You saw how he was. Like quit with the fucking interrogations, dickhead. Just act normal for once.”
I scoop up the fox and crush it against my chest, and I can’t get my brother’s voice out of my head.
I keep hearing him question Felix and yell at Felix and step closer to Felix, who looks so small compared to CJ, and how fucking dare him.
“If he talks to you like that again, I’ll break his neck.”
When Felix doesn’t respond at all, not even with a laugh he tries to cover up since I very clearly remember his lust-soaked your brother is so hot and large opinions and how Felix thinks CJ would stretch out Riley’s apron (my apron) if he were to put it on (whatever), I turn my head and find Felix actually passed out with the donuts still tucked against his chest.
He finally looks relaxed now, and maybe cozier than when he was sleeping next to me.
And there’s still frosting on his lip, because of course there is.
I dig my phone out of my pants and snap a picture of him, then I move the half empty box of donuts to the dresser and climb into bed.
“OKAY. LET’S HAVE it,” Miguel says the second we break for lunch the next day. “You have so much to tell us, Jakey.”
“So much,” Hector echoes enthusiastically.
“Oh yeah?”
I flip open my lunch pail and gulp down half of my Gatorade, then I pull out my sandwich and peel open the foil and act like I have no idea what they’re both talking about, ignoring Miguel when he crowds against my side where we’re seated on the tailgate and Hector as he gestures wildly in my peripheral. I take bite after bite of my sandwich and smile as I soak this in, because how many times have they annoyed (but not really annoyed) the shit out of me by getting in my business? Too many to count.
“Spill it,” Miguel pleads, his glare unrelenting.
“Spill what, man?”
“We haven’t spoken to you since Friday. That’s three days of silence, Jake. Which reminds me, we really need to exchange phone numbers so we can at least text when we’re apart.”
“Good idea, Miguel,” Hector says.
“Thank you, Hector. I thought so.”
“I’m not giving either one of you my phone number.”
That’s such a lie.
I’d already thought about doing that on the drive to the shop this morning.
I want to hang out with them again outside of work and it would be nice if I had a way of reaching out.
“Friends text, Jake. And we’re friends. We’ve established that.” Hector eyes me cautiously, stepping closer to the back of the truck until he’s able to smell my food. “That looks good, Jake. What is it.”
“Turkey and cheese.”
“Yum. What kind of cheese?”
Miguel snaps in front of his face.
“Hector, focus. We’re trying to get important information.”
“Right.” Hector inches back and finally wrestles his gaze off the sandwich in my hand, brow arching when we lock eyes. “We’ve broken bread over sex talk, or have you forgotten everything we discussed.”
“No. And don’t fucking remind me.”
If one of them mentions anything about taking a dick, I’m getting up.
“See? We’re friends!” Hector grins. “Friends also share juicy boyfriend secrets, and we know you have some.”