“Don’t be a dick,” he grunts when I enter his bedroom.

“Me? You’re the one being a dick.”

I close the door before anything else is said. I don’t want Felix hearing whatever the fuck I’m about to get yelled at for.

“Seriously? What’s your problem? That was rude as fuck.”

“No, it wasn’t. You’re just being overly sensitive for some strange fuckin’ reason. Why is that?”

“He’s my sponsor. And my friend. I don’t want him feeling like he can’t come over here.”

“Just because I asked how old he is?” CJ points at the wall in the direction of the kitchen. “That kid barely looks eighteen. And he’s your sponsor?”


“Do you really think that’s a good idea?”


His eyes narrow. “What the fuck? Why are you acting so defensive?”

“I told you.” My nails bite into my palms. “He’s not just my sponsor. He’s my friend. You know, the only one I have anymore. And even though I really wish I didn’t right now, I care what you think, CJ. I want you to like him. Do you know how important this is to me? I’ve never had a sponsor before. I need this. And you’re shitting all over it.”

Jesus Christ. I shouldn’t even need to explain myself here. He knows how serious I am about my sobriety.

I promised him I’d never have to make promises again.

CJ takes in a deep breath and releases it slowly. “Look. I’m sorry if you think I was being rude. And you know this isn’t just important to you. It’s important to me, too. I just… he’s young, Jake. I expected your sponsor to be older than you.”

“I don’t think that matters. There’s not like, a rule book on it.”

“I’m pretty sure there are guidelines, at least. I just want to make sure he’s going to be good for you.”

“He is.” My voice is steady. Strong. “He does the meetings. He’s easy for me to talk to. He checks in with me constantly. Felix is good. Trust me. You have to trust me. And he’s been clean for over a year.”

CJ thinks on this for a moment, and I never considered myself an anxious person before, but I’m beginning to now.

“All right,” he says.

I feel the tension leave my shoulders. “All right?”


“You’re good with him?”

“As long as you are.”

“I am.” My breath is rushed, and my damn chest aches like I’ve been running sprints. “And can you do me a favor and not act like a cop for five minutes? Just be cool.”

“I am cool.” He throws his heavy arm over my shoulders, tugging me against his side. “Jesus. Relax, will you? You’re acting like he’s picking you up for a date.”

I feel my pulse spike, heavy and hot underneath my skin, and begin squirming to get away. “No, I’m not. You are.”


“What?” he asks.

“Nothing. Would you just—stop saying stuff that isn’t true.” I finally get out from underneath his arm and fling the door open. “Oh. And you’re not getting any brownies. Dick.”

He trails after me. “The fuck I’m not.”

“Riley, those brownies are for you,” I announce as I enter the kitchen. “And the baby. That’s it. No one else.”

“Yay! I shared them with Felix.”

“They’re for him too.”

Felix looks so fucking happy. “You killed it, Jake. Just like the cookies.”

“I’m getting some of those brownies,” CJ growls, practically shoving me aside. He halts at the island and his body goes rigid. “Darlin’, what are you doing?”

Riley stands with the tray and backs away slowly. “I’m sorry. I love you. More than anything. But you’re too late.”

“You ate them all?”

“Not just me! Felix had four of them.” She points at her belly. “And hello! Did you forget? I’m eating for two now.”

“The entire tray is gone?” CJ lunges for her, and she shrieks when he wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her off the ground. “Give me that. I want the crumbs.”

“No! Those are mine too!”

“We should go,” I say to Felix. “This is probably going to get weird. And then sexual.”

“Let me eat them off of you,” CJ whispers.

“Or sexual and then weird.”

“What if you come home later and find crumbs in your bed?” Felix looks rather pleased with this possibility. He stands from the stool. “Holy shit. Would you freak?”

“Dude. Yes. Why would you tell me that?” I watch CJ carry Riley down the hall, the tray of brownies high in the air. “Stay out of my room!”

“Technically not yours!” CJ hollers back.

I really need to move out.

“Fuck my whole entire life.” I palm my phone and tuck it into the front pocket of my jeans. “Ready?” I ask him.

Felix snickers. “Yeah. You’re very scowly right now.”

“This is my normal face.” I walk with him to the door.

“Your sister-in-law is sweet.”

“She is.”

“And your brother is hot as fuck.”

I stumble out of the house, bumping into Felix. “Shit.” My ankle rolls on the edge of the sidewalk, and I nearly eat it in the grass.