Shyly confident. I think that’s just who Felix is.

I say nothing when I get up in front of him. I just hand over the baggie of snickerdoodles.

Yes, I know how to make snickerdoodles now. They’re surprisingly not that complicated.

And yes, I’m forming a habit of sharing cookies and shit with Felix. But this whole baking thing was his idea. I never would’ve thought of doing this on my own. It makes sense to share it with him.

“So. Feeling any sort of way right now?” he asks, chomping into a snickerdoodle. He brushes a curl out of his eyes.


I thought maybe if I fed him, he’d get distracted and forget everything I’ve ever said.

I roll my eyes and grumble, “I want a new sponsor.”

His smile is so fucking cocky. “No, you don’t. You want to touch my hair.”

“That’s… no.” I shake my head.

Do I?

“I don’t know. I think you do, Jake.”

“You know what’s really lame about being in recovery?” I ask. “You can’t blame shit you say on alcohol or drugs. There’s nothing to hide behind.”

“I know.” And Felix smiles even bigger.

Kill me.

“Isn’t it so great?”

I grab him by the elbow and drag him inside.

And he just laughs.

So, being a holyfuckingshit master at making brownies is apparently a thing.

“Jake,” Riley moans, breaking off warm, gooey pieces and popping them into her mouth.

She’s been sitting at the kitchen island, watching me and waiting to taste test all the deliciousness.

Her words. Not mine.

“Can you please stop saying his name like that?” CJ asks from the couch.

The volume on the TV grows louder.

“I’m trying to be ladylike right now, but honestly, I really just want to shove my entire face in that pan.” Riley sucks chocolate off her fingers. “God. Seriously. You’re like this holyfuckingshit master at making brownies, Jake!”


“You’re never allowed to live in another state again. I won’t let you,” she adds, smiling while grabbing another square. She takes a bite and slaps the counter. “Jake.”

“If you keep saying his name like that, darlin’, I’m packing up his shit today.”

I laugh. So does Riley.

“Not sure what’s funny,” CJ grumbles. “I’m being completely serious.”

The doorbell rings just as I finish loading all the stuff I’ve dirtied up into the dishwasher.

“I got it,” I say.

“Good, because I’m not moving from this spot.” Riley keeps eating.

“Hey. Bring me one of those.” CJ watches me as I move toward the door. “Jake. Brownie.”

“CJ. Suck it.”


Riley giggles at my back.

“I need to get the door,” I tell him. “It’s probably Felix.”

I know it is.

He suggested we ride together to the meeting and offered to pick me up, and he’s been sending me texts every five to ten minutes, updating me on his every single move.

finished my last tat. cleaning up and then i’ll leave

done cleaning

just left

hit some traffic :(

brake lights for days

these bitches are slowww

did u know elephants look at humans the way humans look at puppies

they think we’re cute

i love that so much

ok traffic cleared. omw

be there in 10

make it 15

nope 10

almost there

5 min away

gps says 1 mile

here :)

Once he started going, I left my phone out on the counter. I just had this feeling.

I also ignored Riley’s curious glances.

My brother mutes the TV and mumbles something about renting a U-Haul as he stands up and stretches his arms.

I swing the door open.

Felix grins at my (Riley’s) apron, and that’s when I remember I’m still wearing it.

“Don’t make this a thing,” I say as I quickly untie it and slip it over my head.

He steps inside. “Hello.”


“You look nice in floral prints.”

“You’re making this a thing.”

“Jake, I have to.”

I sigh as I shut the door behind him. “No beanie again today, huh?”


He’s practically glowing right now.

“Hi.” Riley waves from her seat. “I’m Riley.”

“Hello,” Felix says. “Oh, congratulations on the baby news.”

“Thank you so much!”

“That’s my brother CJ.”

CJ walks over, extending his hand, and I can tell from the set in his jaw that he’s thinking too hard about something. “Christ. How old are you?”

I fucking knew it.

Felix releases CJ’s hand and looks over at me. “Huh. You both asked me that.”

I glare at my brother. “Can you at least say hello first? Normal people say hello.”

“The handshake implied the hello.” He gives me an odd look. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing. What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m twenty-three,” Felix shares.

CJ stares at me.

“What?” I ask.

“It’s good to meet you, Felix,” my suddenly-doesn’t-know-how-to-act-around-new-people brother gets out, which I’m sure was a huge struggle for him. He motions toward the hallway with his head, keeping his eyes on me. “Can I talk to you?”


“Felix, do you want a brownie? Jake made them.” Riley beams from her seat. “They are so awesome.”

I watch Felix join Riley at the island, and CJ disappear down the hallway.

He’s definitely not getting a fucking brownie now. Oh, I’ll make sure of it.

“Jake!” CJ calls out.

I ball up the apron and toss it on the couch, striding after him. “Coming, dad.”