We walk around campus for ten minutes before finally finding what we’re looking for, and just as I had hoped, there are a few ads pinned to the board. Pulling them off, I hand a few to my brothers and get started making calls.

Ten minutes later, Sean catches up to us with a grim face. “Sorry, kid. There are no other dorm rooms available,” he says, “But apparently there’s an online forum where students can post about this shit. The chick at administration didn’t seem overly helpful though.”

With my hopes and determination starting to crumble, I hand the rest of the ads to Sean and pull out my phone to search for options.

I’m sitting in the gutter between our cars when Carter finally pipes up, holding the ad between his fingers and pumping it into the air. “There’s a place just down the road. Two bedrooms and cheap rent, but it’s really small. Apparently, the girl’s brother demands that she has a female roommate.”

“Woah. The girl’s brother?” Logan asks, suddenly on edge.

Carter snorts. “My thoughts exactly. He’s an athlete and lives with his team, so hopefully it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Ahhh.” Logan grins fondly. “Those were the good old days,” he says, clearly remembering the time he had on this very campus, living with his hockey teammates.

Wanting to get this show on the road, Sean nods toward the cars. “Alright, let’s check it out.”

The boys jump straight into action when I throw myself to my feet. “Wait,” I call, watching as they freeze and spin to face me. “How much is cheap rent?”

“Don’t worry about the rent,” Carter says. “We’ll cover it, just like we did in New York.”

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I take a step toward them, lowering my voice so the people passing by don’t overhear our family financials. “I know, but I want to pay.”

“Sorry, kid,” Sean cuts in, shaking his head. “You know Dad’s rules. Just because he isn’t around to enforce them, doesn’t mean they don’t apply.”


“No buts,” Logan cuts in. “That’s the way it’s always been and the way it’s going to keep going.”

“Fine,” I sulk, cutting my losses. I know a losing battle when I see one. It’s not the worst hill to die on, though.

Climbing back into our cars, we get on the road, and a few minutes later, we’re pulling up to a small, cottage-style home. “Well, this is going to be different than New York,” Carter murmurs as we make our way to the front door.

“Got that right,” I mutter under my breath, feeling those same nerves starting to build again.

Sean reaches out and knocks on the door, and a moment later, the door pulls open to reveal a guy just as big as my brothers. The boys stare him down like some kind of threat while the guy does exactly the same. “I thought a chick lived here?” Logan grunts, not liking what he’s seeing.

“What’s it to you who lives here?” the guy responds.

Ahh, shit.

Logan narrows his stare, and it’s clear this conversation is going nowhere. “Hi,” I say, stepping around my brothers while ignoring the pissing contest that seems to be going on. “I’m Cassie and these are my brothers. We were told there was a room for rent here?”

“Yeah,” he says. “For you?”

“Yes,” I reply hesitantly. “I thought a girl lived here?”

“I do. I do. I do,” comes a feminine voice from the hallway. “Move out of the way, moron. You’re going to scare her away.”

A petite brunette pushes between the door and the big guy and jams her elbow into his ribs, forcing him to take a step back. “Hi,” the girl smiles, extending her hand toward me. “I’m Brianna and this is my twin brother, Bobby. And yes, I’m looking for a roommate, and no, this big boofhead won’t be here,” she says, indicating to the now scowling boofhead behind her.

“I’m Cassie,” I smile, already knowing I’m going to like this girl. “These are my brothers. Sean, who’s basically married. Logan, who thinks he’s a comedian. And Carter, the designated manwhore and self-proclaimed God’s gift to women,” I say, pointing each of them out, not that she’ll remember who’s who. No one does. After all, they’re the spitting image of each other.

Carter reaches around me and offers Brianna his hand while also giving her his dazzling smile and wink, the one he saves for special occasions. Bobby the boofhead groans as his sister instantly blushes and takes his hand. “Don’t,” I cry out, slapping Carter’s hand out of Brianna’s reach. “He shook hands with Bronny the showgirl, mid-performance, and I’m yet to see him wash his hands.”

“Ugh,” Brianna cringes, glancing at his hand as though it’s infested with herpes before stepping slightly further away from Carter.

“What?” he shrugs. “I’m saving the smell for later.”

Both Brianna and I cringe, but she manages to look past my brother’s foul tendencies and steps out of the doorway. “Come in,” she says. “I’ll give you a tour and then you can decide if it’s the right fit for you.”