Feeling hopeful, I follow her inside, and we head down the hallway while the boys linger in the living room, sussing out Bobby. “So,” I hear Logan start. “You’re an athlete?”

I drown out their conversation as I follow Brianna into the kitchen. She shows me around, and within seconds, I fall in love with the place. “So, you’re a senior then, I’m assuming?” she asks as she heads into what would be my bedroom.

“Yeah, a senior. I just moved back to Denver from New York. You?” I ask as we step into the room to find a small bedroom, fully furnished with a double bed.

“Yeah, senior too,” she replies. “Do you like it so far?”

“I do,” I grin.

“Good,” she smiles back at me. “I don’t see the point in having a car here. So, the garage would be all yours.”

Feeling at home already, I turn to her with a beaming smile. “I’ll take it.”

Her eyes bug out of her head, relief shining in her eyes. “Really? Thank God,” she breathes. “Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to find a good roommate? Bobby has run off everyone that’s come to the door. You’re the only one he let pass through.”

“Seriously?” I ask as we make our way back to the guys.

“Yeah, he’s a bit protective,” she explains. “I’m sure by the way your brothers all showed up, you know a little something about that.”

“Damn straight, I do,” I laugh as all four sets of male eyes land on us.

She leans into me, both of us staring right back at them. “Do you think it will ever stop?” she whispers as the boys eye us curiously.

“Not a snowball’s chance in hell.”

Sean lets out a huff and glances at his watch. “I’m assuming you like it here since you’re not running for the hills,” he says hopefully.

“Well, I’m guessing that Brianna isn’t a crazy person or isn’t going to kill me in my sleep. So taking that into account, yes. You can start unloading the truck,” I tell them with a proud smile. For the first time since moving back, I’m starting to feel excited about this change.

“Thank fuck,” Carter breathes as he turns on his heel and heads out to the truck with an agreeable Logan and Bobby behind him.

Sean, the sensible one as always, fixes me with a hard stare. “Don’t forget to sign the rental agreement,” he says before turning toward the door to help the boys, only he stops in his tracks and glances back at me, his lips pressed into a tight line. “On second thought, I might take care of that for you.”

I roll my eyes and call to his retreating frame. “I’m a big girl, Sean. I can take care of it on my own.”

His scoff is heard from all the way out at the truck, and all I can do is ignore him before turning to Bri with a wide grin. “Where should we start?”

Between the four boys, the Dodge RAM is unloaded in no time, and my new room is completely set up.

“You all good?” Logan asks as he places the last of my things down on the dining table.

I take a quick look around and realize that everything is done, apart from putting my clothes away and making the bed. Though I know for a fact these idiots aren’t going to help with that. “Yeah, I’m all good,” I tell him as he pulls me into a big bear hug.

“Be safe, Cassie Bear,” he tells me, holding me a little tighter than ever before. “I have to head back to the city tomorrow, but the boys will be around if you need anything.”

“I know,” I grumble as he lets go and makes room for Sean and Carter to say their goodbyes.

Brianna disappears into the fridge and brings out a celebratory bottle of wine while I watch in amusement as Bobby and the boys exchange numbers.

“This is going to be interesting,” Brianna says as she comes up beside me to watch the comical performance.

She hands me a glass of wine and we clink our glasses together. “It sure is,” I agree, taking a sip.

“We’ll come to watch a few games when we can,” Sean tells Bobby as he claps him on his large, beefy shoulder and steps out the door, throwing back a wave as he leaves.

A sinking feeling begins to settle in the pit of my stomach as I know there’s only one game on planet earth that my brothers would go out of their way to watch.

“Games?” I whisper to Brianna, who I notice is far too occupied blushing at Carter as he follows Sean out the door and winks at her again.

Just freaking great.

“Bye,” I call out as the door closes behind them, leaving me with Bobby and Brianna in my new home.