“Exactly. This master thinks he’s too smart for us. He’ll clean up the loose ends, fade back into the woodwork, and maybe rebuild his pet shop to try again… on his schedule and his conditions.”

“How do we stop him then?”

“There’s still loose ends. I’ll go and see Jessica this morning.”

“Right.” Beau agreed but he was unwilling to let her out of his sight. “Can we stop off at the hospital first.”

“You go ahead. I’ll meet up with you later.” Before he could argue, she picked up her purse, slung it over her shoulder, and left the office.

When Larry cleared his throat, Beau pointed at him, his tone menacing. “Not a fucking word.”

Larry grinned innocently. Then he shook his head and muttered, eyes lowering to his screen. “Got nothing to say.”

“Jesus, man. As if you ever shut up.” Beau’s parting words brought forth a wicked chuckle, but he continued out of the room and waited to grin until he got to the hallway.

“Walker, wipe that silly smile off your face and come into my office. I want an update on the school shooting case.”

Straightening, Beau answered the Assistant Deputy in Charge of the Bureau who’d come around the corner. “Yes sir, boss.” He entered and made himself comfortable, having been in front of this revered older man often.

“First, I want to know how Agent Page is working out so far?”

“She’s a keeper, Marc. Gives a hundred percent to the job. Now I want to know how you’re feeling?”

“Doctors aren’t happy with my reaction to their treatment. They want me to take a long sabbatical. The Deputy asked who I would recommend to take over in my absence, and I gave him the only name that sticks out from everyone else’s. Yours. You ready to take on more responsibility?”

“It’s less field work.”

“Correct. But you get to keep your fingers in all the cases, make a difference to more than one investigation. I’ve found it to be fulfilling.” After the AD saw the hesitation on Beau’s face, he added, “Look, I’ve known you a long time, Beau. You could use a break from the hours you’ve been clocking. At this point, they’re saying I need six months. Can you give me that?”

Beau felt like an ass for putting his favorite boss on the hot seat at all. “Of course, Marc. I just need to stay with this case, see it through. Then I’m your man.”

“How close are you to arresting this piece of shit? I’ve just finished reading all the reports and so far, you have no suspect. Is that correct?”

“It is. We think Jessica Boland might be able to give us an answer to that question. She’s been seen with a person of interest previously, and Lori’s on her way to try and get that information from her now. I was just off to the hospital to find out whatever information I can on the female nurse who was the last one to see the latest victim alive.”

“You figure she had anything to do with the death?”

“Pretty much. The hospital authorities say they haven’t got a nurse who fits the description the night guard put forward. Larry says he’s scanned all the feed they have from last night but so far, all he’s seen is a female form in scrubs, head down, pushing a cart, entering and exiting the room. Nothing unusual.”

“Except she killed the undercover officer.”

“Yep. Looks that way.”

“Okay, keep me posted if anything changes. In the meantime, I’ll let the Deputy know we have you standing by to take over. And Beau…” He waited until Beau looked his way. When their gazes connected, he added, “Thank you. I’m in your debt. Couldn’t relax if I didn’t know this office would be in the right hands.”

Beau moved close to his boss and held out his hand. When they shook, his voice cracked, and he spoke gently. “Anytime, Marc. You know that. Just get better man, that’s what’s important to me and the rest of the staff.”

He left when he saw the brightness flare in the other man’s eyes. Striding to the underground parking for his vehicle, he sighed long and loud, feeling a weight begin to settle on his shoulders.

Marc looked terrible... his face gray, and his trembling more obvious than previously. Beau worried that much longer under the pressure of his job would be a detriment to his healing. But Beau couldn’t imagine leaving Lori alone to work this case. Not after Jessica’s warning for Lori’s safety.

He needed to put this sick prick away and soon.

Chapter Thirty-nine

Lori entered the room where they held Jessica and saw a nurse there with her. Rushing forward in time to see the older woman’s smiling expression, Lori breathed a sigh of relief, feeling silly for her sudden anxiety. The thought of any nurse doing the same to Jessi as had been done to the undercover officer had twisted her insides, turning them to a quivering mass of mush.

What’s that all about? When did this kid come to matter so much?