Moving closer to the bed, she saw the girl’s body for the first time and winced. She’d taken a beating, a bad beating. Marks and bruises outlined her back and hips, her shoulders too. Old trauma scars, though faded, were still in sight.

Then Jessi struggled over for the nurse to wash her other side and Lori got to see that her poor chest and breasts, barely covered with a blanket, were red and sore-looking, with various cuts beginning to heal and black and yellow bruises everywhere.

Stepping close, Lori put down the parcel of magazines and snacks and reached for the girl’s hand. Jessi started to pull it away but stopped, her gaze dropping shyly. “Are you in a lot of pain,” Lori asked?

Commiserating, the nurse smiled at Jessi but continued to use the warm soapy facecloth. “Our patient’s had a troubling night. I hoped a little wash and more salve might help her relax.”

Prideful, Jessi stared at Lori as if having someone look after her in such a caring way meant the world to her.

Lori smiled and asked, “You’re very kind, nurse. Is there anything I can do to help?”

The nurse looked at Lori then, sizing her up. Suddenly, she put the cloth back in the bowl and wiped her hands on her apron. “There is, my dear. I have a ward full of patients to care for so if you’ll be here for a while, you might take over this job. Once this is done, if you’d like to help Jessica change her gown and brush her hair, she’ll be much more comfy. And that’s what we strive for. To make our patients feel better.” Her delving stare asked the question of whether Lori would be willing to do something so personal, and Lori didn’t hesitate. “Of course, I can.” She looked at Jessi. “Is it all right with you if I play nurse?”

Jessi, her face looking better now that the bruises had some time to heal, shyly nodded. Lori took off her jacket, rolled up her sleeves, and stepped into the place the nurse had vacated before leaving the room. Her satisfied nod not lost on Lori.

Being up close with the injuries, Lori saw firsthand how terrible a beating the other girl had taken. “Are your ribs healing, Jessi?”

“They’re bruised but better. Only a few cracks and none broken. The doctor said most of the injuries will mend slowly so I still have to be careful how I move. The muscle spasms are the worst. They’ve given me Tylenol and cold packs for the pain and holding this small pillow against my chest helps.”

“Good. I’m glad they’re taking care of you.” Lori dipped the thick cloth in the hot, soapy water and spread it over Jessi’s throat and the tops of her shoulders, her gaze meeting the other’s yearning eyes. “Does this hurt?”

“No, no – no. It feels wonderful.”

Continuing the sponge bath, Lori stopped talking and let the girl close her eyes to enjoy her ministrations. Taking her time, she lifted each arm to wash. Finally noticing the water had cooled, she dried the dampened skin with a towel and helped Jess step into a clean hospital gown.

Then she guided her to the wheelchair, wincing when the youngster moaned from the pain she experienced when sitting. Helping her settle, she passed her the precious pillow to hold and covered her with a blanket. Next she lifted the nearby brush and began to work the tangles from her hair. Watching curls form with every stroke, she immersed herself in the gentle task and began humming.

“What’s the name of that song? I don’t recognize it.”

“Because it’s from the 90’s. A theme song to an old movie called “Bird on a Wire”. My mom used to sing it for my dad. He loved it.”

“Can you sing the words?”

Lori did so for the first few verses and noticed the tears raining down Jessi’s cheeks.

She stopped brushing and bent down. “Honey, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

“No. It’s the words you sang. About the bird wanting to be free. I’ve been trying my whole life to be free. Free from parents who hated me, free from a creepy stepbrother who – who abused me, and now I’m caged by someone I thought loved me.”

“You’re not caged by me, honey. I’d open that door if it’s what you wanted. But I hope it isn’t because I truly want to help you.”

“I didn’t mean you.” Jessi started to wave away that notion but stopped. “How can you help me? They’ll put me in jail for years.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. From what I’ve been led to understand, the District Attorney might be willing to shorten or maybe even suspend your sentence if you help them find Ray. They’re not interested in a pawn, Jessi. They want the Chess Master, the one instigating the moves. Like he did with you, Tyler, and Jeb and even poor Billy.”

Lori hated to break the news about last night’s killing but knew it would only be a matter of time before Jessi learned of the death of the undercover officer who’d taken her place.

Wanting to be as gentle as possible so as not to terrify the young girl but to make her see the precarious position she faced, Lori sat on the bed and turned the chair to face her. “I have something to tell you. I’m really sorry that it’s going to upset you even more, but I think it’s better you hear it from me than see it on the news.”

“Oh-kay.” Jessi’s face blanched under the hospital lights. “Are you alright? I warned Agent Walker not to leave you.”

“I appreciate that, honey, but it wasn’t me Ray was after. We set up a sting operation by placing an undercover officer in your old hospital bed to pretend to be the patient. Our plan was to catch him if he came after you.”

“Ray would never do that.”

“We weren’t sure but figured since he’d killed Billy, you might be his next target.”

“No.” Jessica’s face registered disdain for their thinking. “You’re wrong.Ray[LW2]would never hurt me. She loves me.”