“I had no idea they would do such a thing. When they told me you’d come for me, I knew I had to get away.”

Yesss!!Rae grinned, cajoling words dripping from her convincing tone. “I’d never leave you there at their mercy. Meet me at the house. We’ll talk.”

“No can do. They could be tracking me. I wouldn’t want to lead them to you. I’ll be at McDonalds near your place.”

“Okay. I’ll be there. Can’t wait to see you.”

“Me too,” Jessi said.

Rae made swift plans. She’d persuade Jessi to come back with her and once she got her in the car, she’d be home free. Heart racing, glee painted over her earlier hateful expression, she punched the air and quickly sent a text too.I knew you’d escape.I never doubted it. She reread what she’d written and erased the message focusing on the wordIthat madeherlook good. Instead, stringing the pathetic loser along as she’d always done before, she typedOn my way. Great news. You’re fantastic!.


Jessi had intended on calling Lori too and giving her the location of where they could pick up Rae. Except, after listening to Rae’s words, the old needling inner voice began uttering the same crap she’d heard from the time she could remember.

You’re no good, turning on your only friend. Rae must have an explanation. Would Lori even trust a loser like you? What if you’re leading your new friend into a dangerous situation? And she gets hurt?Sobbing in vexation, confused, and frightened, she grabbed the sides of her head and crouched to the ground only to hear the ultimate memory of hateful words she’d heard all her life.

No one wants to be around a girl like you. Everyone detests a loser.

Lori’s image manifested in her mind, and Jessi again felt the draw toward the person who had been so kind. Then she remembered Agent Walker and the way he’d spoke to her. Not condescending like most others but as an equal.

Lordy, she wished her old world had included people like them. Not sure of what to do now that she’d set the ball in motion, she’d thought meeting Rae in a place filled with people would be safe. She’d suss her out. Take the hero-worshipping stars from her eyes and really look at the girl.

When the phone dinged, a message came through, and there were the very words she’d so badly needed to hear. From the one person who’d said them to her many times.You’re fantastic.

Swelling bewilderment played pranks, making her re-question everything.Has Lori been using me? She could be wrong about the Agent’s sincerity. She’d been wrong before. Maybe Rae hadn’t really meant to hurt her like Lori had stated so firmly. Had Rae truly been in danger herself, and didn’t have any other way out like she said?

Slapping her hands harder against the sides of her head, she whimpered with disgust. What happened? She’d been so filled with righteous resolve earlier. Everything had been clear then. But now that she had options, had to think on her own, she wasn’t sure anymore.

Biting her chapped lips to bleeding, she stood keeping her head down and walked to the bus stop nearby. She’d take the bus that would let her off closest to the fast-food restaurant. If she decided they needed to hash this out, she’d go in and meet Rae. At least, the short ride over would give her more time to think.

Chapter Forty-four

Once she arrived at the restaurant, she looked into the window and saw the outline of her former friend slouched at one of the tables. This time, Rae had come as her favored persona, a male. Tall, wearing skinny jeans, a leather motorcycle jacket and heavy boots, the girl’s short hair sprayed back so perfectly it hid the female underneath.

Hesitating to reveal herself, Jessi knew once she did, there’d be no going back. If she wanted to run away from all the messy shit in her life, she had to do it now. Grab a ride with a trucker, head out on the highway, and forget all this crap.

The thought of the emptiness waiting in that direction made her squirm. Suddenly, she felt again the gentle touch of Lori brushing her hair and all the old doubts disappeared. She just knew.

Realizing she’d made a mistake to believe she could outsmart Rae who’d proven her genius, she faded into the darkness and headed away.

Hoping that Rae would wait for her, give her enough time to follow through on her next plan, she went directly to the house where Rae lived, circled around to the back, and banged on the garden apartment door.

When Eva’s face appeared at the window, Jessi spoke loudly, “Let me in, Eva. We need to talk.”

“Go away. I say nothing.”

“Eva, I have no place else to go. I need to watch Rae and see what she’s up to. Please, Eva. She won’t know, I promise.”

She banged against the door again and again until the lock finally opened, and Eva stood with a gun aimed at her chest. “You, go away. I no say nothing. Just leave me alone.”

“Fine. But if I go, I’ll tell the cops you’re illegal, and they’ll send you home.” Jessi felt terrible the moment the words left her mouth, but desperation drove her.

Seeing the stark fear on the other woman’s face let her know Rae’s suspicions had been right. Jessi put her hand out and begged. “I don’t have anywhere else to go where Rae can’t find me. She’ll never think to look here. I promise to stay out of sight, but I need to follow her. My friends are in danger and only you can help.”

Lowering the wavering gun, Eva stepped back just enough to allow Jessi to enter. Then she shut and locked both bolts on the door. Turning slowly, she stared at Jessi. “Why me?”

“Because you know that Rae is sick. Right? You understand.”