“I no need trouble, Miss Jessi. I have family in Venezuela, kids, and a mama. They wait for my money every month for rent and food. I need to work. Him, Mr. Olander, he knows my story. He pays for me to be here.”

“I figured he did. The asshole realizes you can’t quit, and this gives him a way out. So he can be free from his responsibilities. You’re his pawn.”

“Not know wordpawn. But I think he hates life here too.”

“It’s what Rae believes as well. That her father can’t get far enough away from her, and it makes her crazy. Lately, she’s been doing bad things. I need to stop her.”

Eva sank into a nearby chair and dropped the realistic-looking toy gun to the floor. “I see her… creeping around house, muttering… acting loco. I no want to be near her, so I do my job and leave. Stay here. Be safe. Now you come. It’s no good.”

“Look, you’re right to be worried, but Rae would never hurt you because she’s actually afraid of her father. Strangely, I think she wants his love. Obeying the rules he’s laid down for her is her way of getting him to see her being a good girl. It’s only when he’s gone that she blows up. And lately, she’s been out of control. Even had me convinced to go along with her until I came to my senses.”

Eva finally allowed her eyes to meet Jessi’s. Her look of fear disappeared to be replaced by a crafty knowing. “I watch on TV. You no kill nobody. Others, they not so good.”

“You watched the shootings.”

“Yes. I see your photo then I know it’s Miss Rae who’s making you do bad things.”

Jessi sat on the floor near Eva, not wanting her silhouette to be seen outside the window. “Why do you blame Rae and not me?”

“Because that one… she’s bad all through. You not bad. Sad only.”

“I’m sad?”

“Yes. I see you look at me, sorry for not speaking when Miss Rae says bad words and makes my work hard. You take her attention, save me.”

“And now I’m sad for not sticking up for you more. When I did try, she shot me down. I knew nothing I said would help you. In fact, it might do the opposite. And I didn’t want to make things worse. I’m sorry.”

“Si. Gracias.”

Jessi smiled at Eva, letting herself finally relax. “Look, I need to follow her and stop her from doing any harm to those I care about. But I can only do so if she can’t see me. I’d call the police myself, but I’m thinking if she gives herself up, it could help her in the end. Besides, I’m scared she’d get hurt if they arrest her now.”

“She’s bad, Miss Jessi.” Eva’s expression held warnings.

“I know. But she’s been my only friend. I have to try and stop her from doing anything to jeopardize those chances.”

Eva nodded, her understanding much better than her conversation skills. “I guess so.”

“I promise not to let her see me here. You’ll be safe.”

“Por Favor, Dios.”Please God.Eva stood slowly, stress appearing in her tense movements. She went to a closet where she brought out an extra pillow and blanket. “You not well. Sleep now. I see lights. Miss Rae has come home for night.”

Thanking Eva for the bedding, Jessi realized how exhausted she really did feel. Her chest hurt like a son of a bitch, and there were blisters between the toes on her feet where she’d clenched them to stop the large thongs from falling off.

Waving goodnight to the other woman who went through a door, shut it with the sound of the lock clicking, Jessi slumped, letting her body relax. Taking the pillows off the couch, she made a bed on the floor, and began untying the gauze tape from around her chest. Relaxed now, all her muscles tingled from the freedom of no worries. She laid her head down and rather than go over her plans, she passed out.


Not Rae.

She wandered the house in a fit of rage. A vision of pathetic Jessi formed in her mind to be replaced by another girl that appeared so often lately. A young girl in a striking basketball outfit, her hair tied back, and her blue eyes sparkling in her gorgeous face.

Rae loved her. From the moment she’d seen her in one of their classes, she’d wanted to be friends. Okay, more than friends. Only her dream girl never looked at Raven, the name they knew her by at the school. The stupid name her parents had inflicted on her at birth.

Contempt again filled her to the brim. Remembering earlier as she’d waited only to be stood up. How dare that stupid Jessi play her for a fool? She hit the fridge door, smashing it open and slamming it closed. Then she trashed a lot of the items inside it, taking her rage out on the junk food she’d gone searching for.


So close…