Page 52 of Dark Salvation

“Told you we’d get them out,” Priest whispers into my ear as he moves up behind me. He pulls my back to his chest as the women walk into the room, their eyes wide and uncertain. Some have open wounds. Others are a little worse for wear, but it’s the woman in the middle of the group that obliterates my happiness.


That conniving bitch made it out, though not in good condition. Her hair is bloody and matted to her head. Her clothes are tattered. She scans the room until her eyes land on me. Relief grows on her face as she starts for me. As she draws closer, she opens her arms, attempting to embrace me, but before she can reach me, I step away.

Evil Tammy doesn’t miss a beat. “Oh my God, Boo, you’re alive!” she squeals. “I’m so happy to see you.”

“That makes one of us,” I say, glaring at her. I hate that she’s here in this place I’ve found safety in. I hate that she’s invading my newfound happiness. And who the hell does she think she’s fooling by acting like we’re friends?

Liam watches, his brow furrowing at the change in my tone. He studies me for a moment and asks, “Aren’t you happy with your gift, Bebe?”

Priest squeezes me tighter as I force myself to answer. “I am.”

Liam isn’t buying it. “Then explain your tone.”

I consider my words, my eyes boring into Tammy. I don’t look away when I say, “Not all of these women are good. Some tortured us more than the men. Not all of them are victims. They made my life hell.”

“Who are they?” Liam growls, whipping around to stare at the group. “Point them out.”

The blood drains from Tammy’s face, her guilt too much to hide.

I could conceal my hatred for this woman, but why? After everything she’s put me and these other women through, why should I spare her? She’d beaten me. She’d battered so many girls that had come along. She’d laughed at us and lied to the MC to make them punish us, all for the sake of jealousy. She doesn’t deserve my mercy.

I hold her terrified stare and point directly at her. “Her.”

I then point out two other women, Sarah and Mary. Both had helped Tammy setup the new girls, but Mary had been sent away not long after she arrived as a gift to another one of their chapters. How she ended up back with the mother chapter, I’ll never know, but she’s here, and so is Sarah, the snitch. The one who lived to stir up trouble, and she was Tammy’s second-in-command. Sarah had helped Tammy poison Jozie, and then helped her cover it up.

None of these three women were innocent. They had just as much blood on their hands as the Screwballs did. They’d just had less power. They’d done horrible things, and it was time for them to be held accountable.

“Grab them,” Liam orders.Three members of the Syndicate move as soon as the words leave his mouth. Sarah and Mary fall back, attempting to hide themselves in the center of the group, but there’s no escaping this fate. “Bring them to me.”

I watch, my emotions swirling with shame and fear, wondering if I’ve made the right choice. The ladies are brought to stand in front of Liam, all of them trembling under my brother’s anger.

Liam retrieves the gun from his holster and holds it out to me.“Kill them. Show them what happens when you fuck with a Collins.”

I stare at the gun, my conscience unable to settle on what’s right and wrong here.

“You don’t have to do this, sweetheart,” Priest whispers behind me. “Whatever decision you make, I won’t judge you. Just consider all the options.”

Judge joins the group, his brows lifting when he sees the gun Liam is offering me. “I take it I missed something?”

“These three cunts tortured my sister.”

“I see,” Judge mutters, frowning. He doesn’t argue with Liam, nor does he stop me when I reach for the gun. My hands tremble as they draw near it. This is my chance to get the revenge I had dreamed of against these bitches. Revenge not only for me, but for all the other women they’d messed with.

My fingertips graze the cool metal, but that touch has me dropping my hand to my side. “I won’t kill them.”

Sighing, Liam nods and places the gun back in its holster. He doesn’t approve, but he doesn’t argue with my decision.

“If I kill them, I’m no better than they are. They had a choice, just like I did. I just happened to make the right one.”

Liam’s disapproval fades from those green eyes of his, replaced with understanding. He steps forward, leans into me, and places a kiss to my forehead. It’s the first show of affection we’ve shared, and I know in that moment, I will love my brother until the end of forever. He’s supporting me, and he’ll do what I can’t.

“It appears my sister is more merciful than I am,” he declares, turning to face Tammy and the others. Mary releases a sigh of relief, and Sarah’s shoulders relax. But Liam is quick to hold up his hand for their attention. “Don’t get ahead of yourselves, ladies. I never said my sister’s mercy has anything to do with what I plan to do with you.”

“We were just as trapped as she was,” Tammy cries. “We’re victims too.”

“Victims?” I huff, her plea hitting me like a slap in the face. Moving from the comfort of Priest’s arms, I storm toward the three of them. “You were never a victim, Tammy. None of you were.” I make sure to look each one of them in the eye as I speak. “My decision wasn’t based on mercy. Mercy isn’t something I would ever give any of you. But I do have the self-respect to know that killing you won’t matter. You mean nothing to me. Your lives mean nothing to anyone, and they will continue to mean nothing while I have everything.”