Page 51 of Bonita Brynne

“Talk to him,” she whispered. “Say your piece, agree to disagree if need be, but don’t let Dorian destroy what the two of you have.”

She was right. “Okay.” I rose to my feet and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Blotchy face and red, swollen eyes.Lovely.

She opened the door and blocked the entrance. “Don’t ever talk to my daughter that way again. I may be soft-spoken and meek sometimes, but I’ll make you wish you were never born if you hurt her. You get me?”

Whoa, where did that come from?

“Yes, Tina. I’m sorry. I lost my head, but that’s not an excuse. I just love her so much.”

“I know, honey.” She hugged him and his eyes locked on me immediately. “You’ve both been under a lot of stress. Don’t let Dorian come between you.”


She gave me a gentle hug. “I love you, honey.”

“Love you too.”

“I can stay in the front room if you’d like.”

“I think I’ll be okay alone with him.”

“I know you will be.” She pulled back with a sweet smile and left.

“Two blowups in less than twenty-four hours isn’t great statistics.” I slipped past him and went out to the sitting area. My butt was sore from sitting on the tiled floor. I’d rather lie in bed, but we’d probably end up having sex instead of working through our problems.

“I lost control, baby.”

“So did I.”

He sat beside me on the loveseat. “Do you understand why I don’t want to give you to Dorian? He’s insane.” His hand went on my stomach. “You have to think about our baby.”

“I know. I was being irrational, but you embarrassed me in front of everyone. The kittens are probably laughing about it now. The progress I made with them is null and void.”

“No, they will still fear you. I fear you.”


“No, really. You’re a badass, Bonita. When you’re riled up and passionate about something, nothing and no one will stop you.”

“Except for you and your biker buddies.”

“Yes, except for usifyou’re putting your life in danger.” He took my hand and kissed my ring finger where his mom’s wedding band had been. “All I want to do is protect you and the baby. The two of you are my life, my whole world, Bonita. I’d be a worthless, soulless man if I lost you.”

“You haven’t lost me. All this Dorian shit is making us crazy. We have to stop him before he destroys everyone we love.”

“We will,” he said confidently, and I believed him.

“How? How will you get Raymond back without giving me to Dorian? Don’t leave me in the dark.”

“With the old ladies’ help. And maybe Libby’s.”

“Libby, the kitten?”

“She’s more than a kitten. She’s a friend of the club and old ladies. She offered herself up as bait. I’m not sure we’ll use her that way, but we need to discuss it as an option.”

“Wow, when did you decide that?”

“After you ran out of the bar, my brothers talked some sense into me.”