Page 48 of Piper's Pyro

“How has Micah really been, Destiny?” Might as well corner her and question the hell out of her before the opportunity was lost.

Karma and Reign stopped what they were doing and sat at the table. They were just as curious as me.

“He’s okay.” Destiny folded her hands in front of her. “Y’know. Busy with club stuff and training his men.”

“Baby, don’t lie to his momma.” I winked to show I wasn’t actually angry. “I know, my son. He’s hurting something fierce. What are you doing to help him?”

“Me?” Her hand went to her chest.

“Yes, you. You’re the only one close enough to Micah to help him. Aren’t you?”

“Lady M doesn’t mean to pressure you,” Karma told her. “She’s just a nosy old momma bear. She’s trying to occupy her thoughts away from the hospital, and you’re the lucky girl she’s picking on.”

Reign and Hope laughed. So did I.

“Karma’s right. I need a distraction. Tell me about you and Micah.” I shifted Cherish, put her against my chest, and gently patted her bottom. I hadn’t snuggled a baby since… Piper.

“You’re Uncle Bone’s girlfriend, right?” Nova bobbed her head as if sure she was right.

“No, I’m not his girlfriend,” Destiny replied sweetly. “We’re just good friends.”

Nova frowned. “But you kissed.”

“And so much more, I’m sure.” Reign snickered.

Destiny’s cheeks turned red. She turned her gaze to the window. Easton was on the other side of the glass. “Do you all know about him and Mason?” She pointed at her brother.

Of course I knew the details. Abe had filled in Ben and me before Micah came home.

“What about Copter and Gunner?” Hope asked first.

“They’re my brothers.” Destiny teared up. “And my folks live on the West Coast.”

Reign’s jaw hit the table. But Karma didn’t appear as surprised.

“Wow.” Hope sat beside me.

“Yeah. Wow.” Destiny swiped a renegade tear off her cheek.

My my, she was good. She had successfully changed the topic and took the heat off of Micah. I liked her a little more.

“So what does this news mean for you?” Karma asked. I sensed I knew where she was going with her question. What she meant was what did it mean for Destiny and Micah.

“I guess that I have a family. Two brothers. A set of parents. They had thought I’d died at birth. But a heartless midwife had stolen me from my mom and sold me to Roland and Debbie Bates.” She exhaled a shuddered breath.

“You were stolen from your mommy?” Nova’s shocked voice had us all turning toward her. “That’s awful.”

“Yes, it is, baby.” Karma took her hand and helped her off her chair. “Why don’t you go watch a movie upstairs. I’ll bring you a snack in a little bit.”

Nova scrunched up her face the same way Piper used to. “Okay. I know when to go so you can talk about grown-up stuff.” She marched away with her arms crossed.

“Thank you, sweet girl,” I called to her. “We’re gonna be in trouble with that one.”

“Tell me about it.” Karma dropped into Nova’s chair. “At least this one is a boy.” She rubbed her belly.

“Boys aren’t always easier than girls.” I knew firsthand with my five. I’d been through some rough times with Abe after he lost Karma. He drank himself into the gutter. I feared he might do something drastic and hurt himself when he was in a deep depression.

But nothing was worse than the years Ben and I had fought like hell to spare Micah the truth about his biological mom. The heartache we’d suffered would last a lifetime. I wouldn’t wish such pain on anyone.