Page 38 of Piper's Pyro

“I need to take care of Doc Hayes.”

“No, leave him alone. He’s already wounded. I’ll stay and not cause trouble.” I could hear the people getting closer. There wasn’t much time.

“Don’t,” Brady hissed. “Fight for your life. Don’t worry about me or anyone else.”

Forrest turned the gun at Brady. I shoved the asshole in the back, and the gun went off. Screams came from down the hallway.

Brady went down.

I lunged after him and blacked out.



Fargo was the last place I wanted to be. It’d only been fourteen fucking days since the truth about my biological mother had been revealed to my brothers and sister. But there I was, returning to the place that held too many painful memories.

And why? For Destiny.

Shit, I’d do anything for her. Like get up at the ass crack of dawn to fly us to North Dakota and then drive the beater truck my old man had been working on my whole life to hear the urgent news Cobra wouldn’t tell me over the damn phone.

I shouldn’t be a dick about it. My brother had news about Destiny’s biological parents. This was important, but part of me was scared shitless that I might lose her when she knew who her parents were. She’d want to see them and maybe move to wherever they lived.

It was stupid to feel this way. We wereonlyfriends…with benefits.

Destiny wasn’t my girlfriend, old lady, or wife. Nothing was keeping her with me other than rockin’ sex. I didn’t even know if I wanted her to stay in Montana. There was no rhyme or reason for keeping her around other than rockin’ sex. And my selfish need to have her close. She understood me and knew how to deal with my grumpy ass.

What had me freaking out more, was two people in Fargo were a match for Destiny. In fucking Fargo, the last place I wanted to be. If she moved there, I’d be forced to come back frequently. Unless I let her go altogether.

A pang in my chest had me squeezing the steering wheel. I turned to look at the beauty beside me. Her brow was wrinkled with worry. See? I was no good for Destiny. I should offer her support and show I care about her instead of whining like an overgrown child.

I swallowed thickly and asked, “Are you okay?”

“Not really. I’m not sure I’m ready for this.”

Dammit, I was right. She needed a friend, and I was failing. “Totally understandable.”

“You don’t know anything?”

“No, Cobra wanted to tell us in person.”

“Don’t you think that’s weird?”

“Yeah.” I eyed the farmhouse and felt my blood pressure spike. I wasn’t sure what I’d do or say to my folks. But I had to man the fuck up for Destiny. “I’m here for you, baby.” I reached for her hand and kissed the top of it.

“Thank you. I don’t think I could do this without you.”

That pang in my chest hurt like a motherfucker. “I’m sure you couldn’t,” I teased. “Like I can’t do the hard stuff without you.” If she left me, I didn’t know what I’d do.

“We’re so perfect for each other.”

Her words almost made me smile. We were perfect for each other, but with all the shit going on in our lives, we kept things casual. I feared letting her totally in and suspected she felt the same.

“Well, are you ready?” I gave her hand a squeeze.

She nodded, getting out. When I came to her side, I took her hand and led her to the porch. Copter and Gunner were leaning against the railing.

“Yo, Copter. Gunner. How’s it going?” I lifted my chin in greeting. “Didn’t know you’d be here.” I had to admit, I was a little happy to see them. The time they’d spent at the Montana compound had been terrific. I liked them and wanted them to transfer to my chapter, but I knew I’d get pushback from Cobra.