Page 39 of Piper's Pyro

The screen door opened, and the man himself exited. “Bone. Good to see you, brother.” Cobra hugged me. “Destiny, how are you?”

“Nervous.” She forced a smile.

“Well, I won’t drag this out.” Cobra stood by Copter and Gunner. That weird feeling in my stomach traveled to my throat. “This is Easton and Mason Goode, your older brothers.”

“You’re shitting me,” I shouted. Was this good or bad? Probably a little bit of both. It sure was crazy as fuck.

“I remember the day you were born, and the midwife said you died.” Easton put his arms around Destiny, and Mason went to her other side. “Mama cried for days… for years. Mason was too young to remember.”

My girl, myfriend, stared at me with panic in her blue eyes. “I can’t believe this.” Her gaze darted to Mason. “Are your parents alive?”

More than anything, I wanted to wrap her in my arms and whisk her away. But I couldn’t. Not with my brother, Mason, and Easton watching. What was I to do about the Goode men now? They haven’t been around Destiny and me and our unconventional friendship. Those guys were conservative and traditional-minded. Protective and loyal. Hell, they’d probably tear me to shreds for not making an honest woman out of their sister.Fuck, fuck, fuck!

“Yeah,ourparents are alive. And they can’t wait to meet you.” Mason cracked a smile.

“Where do they live?” Destiny asked.

“On the West Coast,” Easton said.

“Looks like you’re going on a trip.” I hugged Destiny, hating how the statement left my goddamn mouth unbidden. How in the fuck could I say such a thing? I didn’t want her to go.

“I… I don’t know.” Destiny moved closer toward me.

I was about to say fuck it and reel her into my arms when…

“Cobra! Cobra!” Lady M darted out of the house. “Get to the hospital!”

“What happened?” My stomach churned, sensing the worst, but not sure what could be “the worst.”

“On the news. Hostage situation.” She started crying. “Piper and Stitch are there!”

“Jesus Christ.” Cobra took out his phone and dialed. “Pick up, dammit! Answer the fucking phone, Stitch.” He slammed it shut. “No answer.”

“My baby girl.” Lady M put her hand on her heart. “I feel it. Something is horribly wrong. My baby is in trouble.” Her knees buckled.

Instinct took over, and I rushed to catch her. “I got you, Momma. Piper’s okay. I know she is.”

“Oh, Micah.” She smashed her face against my chest, fisted my shirt, and sobbed. “I’m so sorry for everything I did to you. Sorry for lying. Sorry for hurting you. God’s punishing me now. He’s gonna take my baby girl from me.” Her words ran together as she wailed. “I already lost you, my baby boy. I can’t…I can’t lose my Piper too.”

“Shh, Momma. You didn’t lose me, and the Lord isn’t punishing you.” I rocked her on the front porch. “You need to calm down. It’s not been long since you had a heart attack.” Christ, I was freaking the fuck out. Worried about Lady M. Worried about Piper. Where the hell was my old man?

“I failed you, Micah. You should know that the Lord giveth and taketh away. I failed you.”

“No, you didn’t fail. You’re the best mother any kid could have.” I kissed her head, still rocking her. Destiny stared at me with tears running down her face. My own may be damp too. Some tough and heartless biker I’d turned out to be. I was weeping on the porch with my momma in my arms.

“All right, Dad will be here in ten minutes. Karma!” Cobra hollered into the house. “I need you, baby!”

“What’s all the commotion?” Karma gasped from the front door when she saw Lady M and me. “What happened?”

Cobra put his hands on his wife’s round belly and bent at the knees to be at her eye level. “Listen to me.”

“I am.” But her eyes were locked on the dramatic scene in front of her.

“There’s a hostage situation at the hospital. I need to go. Piper and Stitch are there.”

“Oh, God.” Karma covered her mouth. “Yes, go. Why are you still here? Go.” She pushed him away.

“Damn, I love you.” Cobra kissed her hard. “Take care of Lady M, and the others. But especially you and Ace.” He kissed her belly next, and I about got an instant cavity from all the sweetness.