Her decadence resurfaced on my lips and tongue. So damn sweet and addictive.
She was beautiful and brazen with a take-charge attitude.
Stroking my cock, I rubbed precum around the crown. I ached to come inside her pussy. But she wasn’t there, so I went into the bathroom and aimed for the toilet bowl.
I got off to the memory of Piper. It wouldn’t be enough. Never be enough. Addicts like me always needed more, more, more. We were never satisfied, always searching for our next high.
The sooner tonight was over with, the sooner I’d return to California and could forget I ever met Piper.
Hearing the gavel hit the table never got old. Not when my granddad wielded the wooden object I once thought was a hammer he’d used for killing mosquitos and flies. I’d only been four at the time.
Not long after my fifth birthday, my dad explained how banging the gavel on a hard surface got people’s attention and made them shut up. And the most crucial part… “Only the president has the privilege,” he’d said. “One day, you’ll be president, Abe.”
And one day, my son Ace will hold the gavel. Of course he needed to be safely born first and spend years just being a kid before I groomed him to be president like my old man had done with me.
A throat cleared.
I darted my gaze at Hustler. “Right.” I set the gavel down. “I have a lot on my mind. Let’s get on with it so I can go get my pregnant wife and take her to the casino.” I shook my head. “I can’t believe she wants to go.”
“Tell me about it, brother.” Hustler shifted in his chair, appearing irritated. “Hope’s okay with leaving Cherish with Lady M for a couple of hours. The day our baby girl was born, Hope promised never to leave her. But seeing the Flaming Triads has changed her tune. I’m not sure how I feel about it.”
“I feel you. Karma’s in no condition to be in a room with hundreds of people. She should be thinking of the germs she’ll be exposed to, not which dress to wear. She tosses and turns at night and complains about being uncomfortable, but she’ll sit in a firm booth for a couple of hours. I don’t get it.”
“I don’t know what you all are confused about.” Stitch looked at me, then Hustler. “The Flaming Triads are the hottest men to walk the face of the earth… According to every nurse at the hospital. I can’t wait until the band leaves North Dakota.”
“Every nurse, aye?” Hustler arched a curious brow. “Does that include Mercy?”
Copter and Gunner chuckled. I was glad to see them smile. After getting the shock of their lives a few days ago, I had been worried about them. Gunner had flipped out when he heard the baby sister he’d been told had died was alive. He’d taken off and lost track of Forrest Frat.
“I don’t know.” Stitch narrowed his gaze at Hustler.
“Well, I do.” My asshole brother smiled. Hustler loved to get a rise out of people like Bone had when he was around.
I hoped to see my wayward brother tomorrow. After church, I’d call him and do my best to persuade him to come home. It’d been a week since our family had been shaken by the news that Bone wasn’t Lady M’s biological son. My mom had been distraught following his swift exit. She’d rambled about killing Bone’s mother, and my brother knew nothing about it. He needed to hear the rest of the story so our family could heal… So Bone could heal.
“Think whatcha want. I don’t give two fucks if Mercy is panting over the rock stars.” There Stitch went acting like nothing bothered him. He had iron walls around his heart because he was afraid to experience love and more loss. Losing both his parents at once had destroyed him.
“Enough,” I growled. “What are we? In middle school? I don’t care if the women are fangirling over the Flaming Triads. Mine will be going home with me. I suggest the rest of you keep yours close too.”
Hustler and Buff nodded. Stitch sagged in his chair.
“What about Piper?” Spectre asked. “I saw her ticket to the after-party and Mercy’s.”
“Fuck,” Stitch hissed.
“I thought Reign was going to the party?” Copter asked.
“She is, with me,” Buff replied. “Mercy was just added this morning.”
“Great,” Stitch grumbled.
“I’ve given Piper my permission to enjoy the party. She’s a grown woman. I want her to have fun after the shit with Forrest Frat.” I pointed my finger at Spectre. “Don’t be a dick. I trust her to make wise decisions.”
“You shouldn’t.”