Page 14 of Piper's Pyro

Hustler elbowed Spectre. “Don’t be a traitor.”

“What’s going on?” I leaned forward with my hands flat on the table.

“Nothing.” Hustler reclined in his chair.

“I wasn’t asking you. I’m asking Spectre to tell me what he knows. And don’t lie to me.” I couldn’t handle any more deceit.

“Piper had a one-night stand with a guy she met in the Club Solo bar.” Spectre reached for the whiskey.

I gritted my teeth. “Do we know who she was with?”

“No,” Hustler replied. “She’s fine. I assured her we wouldn’t go through the video footage.”

“That’s not your call to make.” Why hadn’t those idiots told me about Piper sooner? “I want to know who she was with.”

“Me too.” Spectre downed his drink.

“I manage Aeros. We are not reviewing the footage.” Hustler crossed his arms over his chest, holding his ground as always. “You’re the club’s president, that’s it. Aeros is not in your jurisdiction. Besides, I deleted it.”

“Son of a bitch! You had no right!” I clenched my teeth, fit to be tied. Protecting Piper was our top priority, and the fool deleted the video.

“Did you at least watch the film first?” Spectre asked.

“Nope,” Hustler replied nonchalantly. “Lady M told me not to.”

“Oh, I see. You asked Mom’s advice and not mine. That’s low.” I almost laughed. Hustler talked big and acted like the top dog, but he had still gone to our mother for permission. Coward. It shouldn’t surprise me. Lady M had struck the fear of God in all of us at one time or another.

“Hell, yes, I did. I’m no fool.”

“That’s debatable.” Buff shook his head. “I’ll keep an eye on Piper at the party.”

“Fine.” I was quickly over my brothers keeping Piper’s hookup from me. I had more important things to worry about, like calling Bone. “Just don’t let her leave with anyone, and make sure she gets to her room safely.”

“You got it, boss.” Buff nodded sharply.

“Great.” I hit the gavel on the table to end church. My brothers filed out, except for Copter and Gunner. They knew I would be calling Bone after everyone left. “You’re not staying while I call Bone.”

“We understand.” Copter scratched his scruffy chin. “We were just wondering what you’re going to tell him.”

“Well, nothing about you two being Destiny’s brothers. That should only be said in person, dontcha think?”

They nodded.

“Good.” I turned toward Gunner. “You doing all right?”

“Yes, prez. I’m really sorry I lost track of Forrest.”

“I know.”

“We’re going to search all night,” Copter told me in a determined tone. “He’s gotta be in Fargo.”

“I’m sure he is. I’ve thought about the situation a lot. He might be planning his next move now that he’s not being tailed.” My stomach twisted. We had extra men at Aeros because of the concert, so I wasn’t worried about the casino. Wherever Piper went, she had protection, and the farm was also heavily guarded. “He’s unpredictable and arrogant. We need to be ready for anything.”

“Do you think he has help?” Gunner asked.

“From what Grizzly found, he’s pretty much a loner. No friends. He’s estranged from his family. He spends a lot of time playing video games.”

“Gamers can be dangerous.” Copter went to the door. “We need to find him before he hurts someone.”