He didn’t attach me to the wall when we returned to my cell. “Stay on the mattress, and don’t try anything, or I’ll chain you up.”
“Okay. I’ll be good.” I got comfortable, flicking my gaze at him quickly, so he didn’t see me watching him on the metal chair. “Are you ready to talk?”
“No. Just be quiet.” He put his elbow on his knee and rested his chin on his fist like the statue called The Thinker. He seemed troubled, maybe sad.
I nodded and remained silent. The last thing I wanted was to upset him and make my situation worse than it was. But honestly, aside from the accommodations, I felt safe and cared for. The biker had fed me twice in the short time I’d been here. That was more than Roland ever did.
I could be quiet as long as Mr. Sexy Grump wanted and the perfect prisoner.
He didn’t move or take his eyes off me. I followed his lead. We seemed to be in a staring contest—neither of us blinked. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell it was dark out. Hours had apparently passed without much notice.
Was he trying to make me break first? Was I supposed to talk or do something while he sat there like a statue staring at me? Maybe he was one of those people who could sleep with their eyes open. Was that it? He’d been asleep all this time. Damn, I’d feel like an idiot.
Well, I was over his games.
“You’re still weird and annoying. Good night.” I reclined on the mattress and curled into a ball on my side, adjusting myself to be sure I was fully covered by the throw blanket.
I dialed into his movements. He was coming toward me.
“Wrist.” He extended his hand.
I sighed at the absurdity of being chained to the wall. He didn’t need to worry. I wouldn’t run. I didn’t have a dollar to my name, no transportation, and no friends to crash with or to help me. I was entirely on my own.
At least there with the biker, I had shelter and food.
“This isn’t a bed and breakfast inn. Prisoners are chained,” he hissed. “I’ll be back in the morning.” And with that, he made his way out of the concrete room.
I bit my tongue and tasted blood. If that was how he wanted it to be, I could do it his way. I could be unfriendly and detached like him. I could wait it out, formulate a plan to get away, and I’d never see the weird and annoying man again.
It was a shame, though. He really was attractive. Sexy. And a grump. Mr. Sexy Grump.
Stop it, Destiny. He’s no better than Roland.
Right. Turning off my emotions now.
“It’s been three fucking days! You don’t know anything more since the day you kidnapped her?” Cobra’s voice rose several octaves. I’d avoid calling because I didn’t want to hear him throw a fit. “Do you know anything about her?”
“Why the fuck not?”
“We’re not talking.” I spend an hour with her a few times a day when I bring her food. She eats, I watch her mouth, then rinse and repeat.
“Well, you better get talking because I don’t have time to go there and do it myself. If you can’t deal with her, have one of your guys do it. I don’t care who or how they get her talking. I need fucking information yesterday!”
“You sound stressed, bro.”
“Of course I am! I’ve got Spectre tailing Forrest Frat. Buff is keeping tabs on Roland. Lady M just came home yesterday, and Dad hovers around her like a lovesick fool. It’s a lot, okay. And Karma is closing in on her due date. I’m nervous as fuck about her going into labor.”
“It’ll be okay. Birthing a baby doesn’t appear difficult. Lady M did it five times.” Christ, I didn’t want to talk about her.
“I’m not sure I can handle seeing her in pain or when she delivers our son.” He made a shuttering noise. “And what’s this? I hear you’ve invited Easton and Mason to transfer to Montana? I’m already stretched thin. Not cool, brother. Not cool.”
I winced, wondering which one of those assholes had spilled the beans. “They’re patched, Prez. It’s Copter and Gunner.”