Page 29 of Bone's Destiny

“Don’t fuck with me, Bone. I know their road names. Are you trying to steal my men?”

“Not stealing. Just gave them the option.” I had clicked with the brothers, which didn’t often happen. “So, anything new with Forrest? Piper’s being protected properly, right?” If I were there, she would not leave my sight.

“She’s been informed of Forrest. You know what a badass she is. She wanted to strap him to a gurney and torture the truth out of him. Stitch was on board, but I shot it down.”

“Fun sucker.”

“Hey, if she was caught and arrested, Lady M would cut off my balls.”

“At least you will have one son to carry on the Knight’s Legion legacy.”

“Sure will. I can’t wait to meet my little man, Ace Steel.” Damn, his foul mood changed to happy in an instant.

“I’m happy for you and your old lady, Nova too. I know how excited she is to have a baby brother.” A pang hit my chest, thinking about my sweet niece.

“Yeah, she says she’s over the moon.” He laughed a little.


“You asshole. You got me off track.” He growled, and his attitude changed again. “Get information from Destiny. I don’t care what you do to get her to open up.”

“That’s the problem. She’s so damn beautiful, and I’m horny. I’m liable to fuck her into submission.”

“Well, beat your meat, so you don’t attack her, and play nice.”

“We have club girl interviews soon. My dick won’t be an issue for long.” The insinuation I would be having sex with someone put a sour taste in my mouth. I blamed the blonde beauty chained in my basement for messing with my head.

“Good. Gotta go. Keep me updated.”

“Will do.” I ended the call as Espada entered the kitchen. I raised my chin in greeting.

“I can deal with the prisoner.”

“Were you eavesdropping?”

“Yes.” Espada never cowered to anyone and always said exactly what was on his mind. “Any idea when the VP and his old lady will arrive. If he were here, it might take the load off you.”

“No idea.” I swallowed the remaining whiskey in my glass. “I told him no rush. He’s got lots of loose ends to tie up, y’know. The three of them will be here when they get here.”

Espada arched his dark brow. “I’m excited about having club girls, but do you think it’s wise with kids in the house? I mean, Cash’s baby girl comes around… when her overprotective momma lets him bring her.”

“We need help around here.” I swept my gaze around the messy kitchen. My men were a bunch of pigs. “The VP’s old lady will run the house.”

Espada snorted. “Good luck with that. She’ll be busy with her kid and the VP.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “She’ll need help.”

“Hence the club girls.”

“You got an able-bodied chick in the basement. Why not work her ass into the ground cleaning and cooking to work off her father’s debt.”

I tilted my head, considering his idea. “Okay. I’ll think about it. You picking up tacos for dinner?”

“It’s Taco Tuesday, ain’t it?”

“Smartass. That place you go to, does it have nachos?”


“Bring one with chicken and extra olives.”