Page 18 of Bone's Destiny

“I’m a horrible, grumpy, short-tempered man. I don’t feel things the way other people do. I only care about myself.”

“Bone, stop.” I didn’t like where he was going with this. The last thing I wanted was for Nova or any of my children to fear him. But that didn’t mean I had to forgive him for his actions.

“I’m not finished, Karma.” He stared me down, and I buttoned my lip. “When life hands you a raw deal, it can turn you into a bitter, hateful person. That’s no excuse for what I did to you, your momma, and daddy. No excuse at all. Had I known about you, I would’ve done things differently.” He blinked back his emotions.

What raw deal was he talking about?

“Are you sorry for what happened?” Nova asked in a small, hesitant voice.


“Will you never do it again?” Her body relaxed against mine. My blood pressure returned to normal as I squeezed her tightly.

“Sweetheart, I swear to you, I will never hurt you, your momma, and daddy ever again. I’ll stay away from you all. Montana is far away.” He came around the table, kissed Nova on the head, and then did the same to me. “I’m so sorry.”

Tears burst from my eyes, hearing him stalk out of the kitchen. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. I just let him go without another word.

Nova curled into my chest and cried. “I don’t understand what happened.”

“Me either, but I believe everything Uncle Bone said.” The man who’d just left the room was someone I hadn’t met before, but he might be someone I’d like to know better. Maybe be proud to call him brother-in-law—maybe.



I pressed my head against the headrest in Spectre’s car, my stomach was in knots, and I had a walnut-sized lump in my throat. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected when I went to see Karma and Nova this afternoon. But it sure wasn’t the look of terror in my sweet niece’s eyes staring back at me. My swift exit was to spare them any more trauma than I’d already caused.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to tucking my tail and running to protect myself. Those two nearly had me in tears. I’d felt wholly irredeemable and needed to get away before I bawled in front of them.

“What happened back at the house? Something with Karma?” Spectre asked. He’d found me walking a mile from the farm. I didn’t have a vehicle or my hog, so I hoofed it to get away from the girls. I knew he’d find me on the dirt frontage road. I’d told him to pick me up in an hour. “Thought you’d gone to clear the air with her?”

“I did. Sort of.” My visit with Karma and Nova had ended much sooner than I’d expected. Probably for the better. No telling what other kinds of damage I’d inflict on them. One day Nova would be old enough to get her money and do whatever she pleased with it. I’d tell Cobra to let her have it when he felt she was old enough. Maybe she could use it for college or to open her own nail and tattoo salon.

I’d paid attention when that little spitfire played and prattled on about her favorite things.“Uncle Bone, when I grow up, I’m going to own my parlor and call it Nova’s Nails and Tattoos Parlor. Do you like the name?”I sure had liked the name and told her so. The money could help make her dreams come true. Her happiness was all I wanted. If nothing changed between now and then, I’d send a letter on her eighteenth birthday apologizing for being a rotten uncle.

“Sort of? What happened?” My brother stared at me while we were stopped at a red light. He was taking me to see Lady M at the hospital. Not sure I was ready for more drama.

“Let’s just say I got what I deserved and leave it at that.”

“I don’t like the sound of that. She’s been all right with me. Doubt we’ll ever be friends again since I was involved, but I’m hopeful things will improve as time goes by.”

“Yeah. You should’ve never followed my lead, little brother.”

“How could I not?” The light turned green, and he returned his gaze to the road. “I’ve always admired you. I’d follow you off a cliff if you said jump.”

“Fuck, bro. Grow a pair of balls. Be your own man and use the brain God gave you.” Stupid fuck shouldn’t be saying shit like that after what we’d done.

“What’s going on with you? You’re different these days. Have you grown a conscience and a pussy?”

“Just shut up. I’m in no mood to talk.” I snorted at his question. He had no idea how different I was compared to him.

Spectre muttered profanity under his breath. About time he saw the real me. Not some hero he looked up to. The dude was a grown-ass man, for Christ’s sake. He had let me manipulate him and put thoughts into his head when I wanted his help destroying Cobra. Spectre had been old enough to know right from wrong, yet he had chosen to follow his “big brother.” The idiot should’ve run straight to Cobra and told him what I’d been planning…

“You sure you want in on this? It’ll hurt Cobra and Karma.” I didn’t want Spectre going into this blind. He didn’t hate Cobra as I did. He was only bitter and brokenhearted.

“He stole my girl. I want to help break them up. I’m all in.”

“He didn’t steal Karma.” The kid was barely eighteen, so I’d give him a pass for his ignorance. But to drive it home, I said, “Chicks can’t be stolen if they never wanted to be with you in the first place.”