“I might have had a chance if he hadn’t given his attention to her all those years. Every girl wants the attention of an older guy. A bad boy biker who struts around like he rules the world and makes them all googly eyed and shit. She should’ve been mine.”
He was one hundred percent oblivious. Anyone could see how much Karma loved Cobra. Spectre never had a shot. He’d been friend-zoned from the start.
“She’ll hate him after she finds out he slept with someone else.”
I narrowed my gaze. “She’ll hate you just as much, maybe more, if she finds out you were behind setting Cobra up.”
“As long as she’s not with my brother, I don’t care. I hate the idea of Cobra fucking the girl I love.”
“All right then.” I needed to shut down this talk. Spectre didn’t sound like he understood the enormity of the situation, but I didn’t really care. I needed help to pull off my plan. The dude could deal with the fallout on his own… if there was any.
I couldn’t wait for Cobra to hurt and lose the one he loved. My end game was all I cared about. I wanted to rise to the top of the family and be the club’s president. I doubted it would help me forget what my old man and Lady M had done or the secrets they kept, but it would be a start.
Spectre dropped me off at the hospital and would return in an hour to take me to the casino. I didn’t need or want that much time with Lady M. When I was in a foul mood, nothing and no one could keep me in line. I was like a deadly tornado, destroying everything in my path without so much as a backward glance.
I knocked on her door and cracked it open. Of course, my dad was there. He hadn’t left her side once. One of the perks of being retired, he had nowhere to be and could stay with Lady M twenty-four-seven.
“Come in.” Dad sat taller in the hospital recliner. He looked at Lady M. “She’s sleeping right now.”
“I see that. I can wait a little while. Spectre will be back in an hour.” I dropped into the chair across from him and avoided making eye contact.
“Guess you’ll return to Montana later tonight with the girl?”
I arched my eyebrow. “Yup.”
“It’s good you’re helping your brother. No telling what Destiny’s old man would do if she stayed with him.”
“Yup.” I folded my hands on my stomach, avoiding his gaze.
“Cobra said you went to the farm to see Karma and Nova. How’d it go?”
I sighed. “What is this? Twenty questions. I really don’t think you have any place to question me when you don’t answer my questions.”
“Micah, don’t talk to your father like that,” Lady M whispered with her eyes closed. “I didn’t raise no disrespecting assholes.”
“Maybe I get that trait from my mother’s side.”
“That’s enough,” Dad hissed. “Why do you think we never mentioned your real mother? You’re an intelligent man. Old enough to know a thing or two about life and how shit happens. Why do you think we tried to spare you and protect you all these years?”
“Ben, please.”
“No. I’m fucking tired of this boy treating us like malicious, vindictive sons of bitches. He has no right, Margaret. None whatsoever. All you have ever done is love him unconditionally, no matter how hateful he’s been to you. I’m fucking over it! He thirsts for blood… Our blood.” He leaned forward, glaring. “Will you be happy when you’ve destroyed your entire family?”
“Apparently, not everyone is my family.” I cut my gaze at Lady M. “Right, Margaret?”
She gasped, clutching the blanket and pressing it against her chest. “I… I…” she stuttered, tears dampening her cheeks.
“Get the fuck out of here now!” Dad was on his feet. He grabbed my bicep and shoved me out of the room. “Don’t come back here until you can be civilized.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t come back because I will never be civilized with either of you!” I stormed down the hallway and burst through the double doors.
The entire day had turned on its ass. Karma, Nova, and now Lady M all had some kind of hold on me—a powerful chokehold.
I should just leave Fargo and go back to Montana. Hell, leaving the fucking country would be better. That was what I’d do. Leave. Call an Uber to take me to the airport where I could get into my plane and fly off into the distance—destination unknown.
“Where you off to in such a rush.”
I stopped in my tracks at the sound of Cobra’s voice. I rolled my hands into fists to channel my rage into them before I unleashed it on my brother.