“No can do. The other guys are helping him, and I’m rescuing you.”
“My hero,” I deadpan and let out a sarcastic snort.
The Viking just laughs and continues walking, giving me a shaky view of the driveway and size fourteen booted feet.
Hopefully, this isn’t the last damn thing I ever see.
Chapter Twenty
A quick peek around the corner shows Cyrus and two assholes inkutteswith the Iron Kings patches on them. They don’t look familiar, so I can only assume they’re new recruits for the upcoming war. Or just stand-ins to make Nogales feel like he isn’t a limp dick piece of shit. I draw closer to the trio, completely unnoticed, which tells me these guys are more than newbies. They are fucking green.
“She’ll be back at some point. The bitch has nowhere else to go.” Cyrus lets out a laugh-grunt, and his two friends join in. “Just keep an eye out.”
“I’ll check upstairs,” one of them says and walks out of the kitchen. The asshole walks right past me without scanning the room for any threats. I aim my gun in his direction and decide to save his bullet for later.
“You really did a number on this fucking place, Cy. No offense, but I wouldn’t take you back after this shit.”
Cyrus laughs. “Yeah, well, you don’t know Maven like I do.”
I roll my eyes at this cocky asshole. It’s easy to talk tough in front of kids who don’t know any better yet. “If you say so, man.”
“Trust me.”
I smile and make my presence known, standing with my gun pressed against the head of the young biker. “I wouldn’t trust this prick as far as I could throw him, but that’s just me.”
Fear flashes in Cyrus’ eyes, but he tries to hide it quickly, just not quick enough. “This is the asshole who’s sniffing after my woman.”
I grin. “More than sniffing,” I shoot back. “Not too hard, given the fucked up way you treated her. Her home.”
He’s smirking like what he did is no big deal. “She might be a little shocked, but Maven is mine. I know it, and so does she. This is just a little reminder.”
“You overestimate your appeal, Syphilis. When Mave saw what you did to her things, she said, and I quote, ‘I wish I never met that piece of shit’.”
“She would never say that about me. She loves me.”
“’Fraid not. She said she thought maybe she could, and she was grateful you showed your true colors because now it doesn’t hurt so bad.” The bullshit flows from my mouth so easily I impress my own damn self. “Let’s just say the shine off your shitty personality showed her the truth.”
“Bullshit. Maven is mine, and I made sure of it.” There’s a devious glint in his eyes, and I know exactly why.
“You mean those photos? What were you gonna do, blackmail her? Too bad I scrubbed them from the web. Took like five minutes, dipshit.”
“What the fuck, Cy?” The young biker is vibrating with either fear or anger, I’m not sure, and I don’t really give a fuck. “Nogales is gonna fucking kill you when he finds out. Kill this fucker so we can get the hell out of here.”
“Kill me?” I laugh. “Cyrus is only tough when it comes to putting his hands on women, isn’t that right, limp dick?”
“Fuck you,” he spits and reaches for his gun at the same time his young friend does.
“That’s one option,” I tell him and press the barrel of the gun against the young fucker’s head to stop his squirming. “The other is that I kill you right here, leave and give Maven another ride on a real man’s cock.”
“Man, fuck this shit.” The young member of the Iron Kings takes a step away from me and spins as he reaches behind him to grab his piece.
I don’t hesitate. I pull the trigger and hit him right between the eyes. I watch until his body sinks to the floor before turning my attention to Maven’s ex. “You were saying?”
His eyes go wide, and I grin, taking a step forward. This asshole is scared now, and that’s exactly how I want him. “She’s not worth this,” he growls and takes off toward the front door.
He doesn’t get far before I grab a handful of his hair and hit him twice in the kidneys. “She’s worth a hell of a lot more than the likes of you. Some big tough guy, running after one body drops.”