Cyrus may be a pussy, but he’s not a quitter. He shoots his head back to crack me in the face, but I lean out of his path, and he hits the ground with a loud thud. “Ah, fuck.”

“Get up,” I demand. “Get the fuck up. Right. Now.”

Two shots ring out from the staircase, and I duck, turning to see two shots lodged in Maven’s front door. “Looks like someone needs more time at the shooting range,” I tell him and aim my gun, squeezing the trigger twice, but the young shit moves fast. The second bullet only grazes his leg.

“Looks like you need your glasses.” He grins and limps down two more steps, taking another shot at me that grazes my right bicep.

I smile. “Maybe, but I only miss once.” I squeeze the trigger two more times, hitting him in the shoulder and the neck. My lips form a smile as his body tumbles down the stairs and falls into a lifeless heap at the bottom. “Told you.”

I turn back to Cyrus, aiming his gun at me now, his hand shaking like a goddamn leaf. “I’m just helping out my brother,” he growls.

“Bullshit.” I pull back my leg and kick his ribs three quick times. “This has nothing to do with the Iron Kings. You did this because you’re a limp dick piece of shit. Say it.”

“Fuck you,” he spits.

I smile and give him another kick. “Say it.”


Under any other circumstances, I might be impressed by his bravado. Right now, it just pisses me off.

“Suit yourself.” I aim the gun between his legs and shoot the inside of his thigh.

“Ow, what the fuck did you do that for?”

“Because I haven’t heard the words I’m looking for.”

He’s writhing on the floor with his free hand gripping the wound on his thigh. “Okay fine. I’m a limp dick piece of shit.”

“Damn right you are,” I tell him and shoot one bullet between his eyes and two to his heart. “Now you’re a dead limp dick piece of shit.”

I look around Maven’s place with a frown.

Maven. Shit! I run out to check on Maven. She’s probably worried as fuck, and I want to be the one to comfort her.

Stepping over the body at the bottom of the stairs, I go to the garage and frown at the empty spot behind the boxes in the corner. “Maven?” I whisper. “Where the fuck are you, babe?”

I search every inch of the garage, knocking over the boxes, looking under the car, and searching every nook and cranny, but she’s not here.

“Maven?” I close my eyes and listen for any sounds of movement or breathing, but I hear nothing.

If the Iron Kings have her, I will burn their shit to the ground. I step outside, thinking maybe she’s inside the truck after hearing the gunshots. The night air is cool, and I notice that the gunshots have drawn out the neighbors. Some of them are watching from the safety of their homes, with curtains and blinds flickering shut as my gaze lands on theirs.

On the street, I see some big fucking blond asshole carrying Maven to the truck. “Yo, what the fuck are you doing with my woman?”

“Wilder!” she shouts and reaches a hand out to me, relief in her voice.

The giant blond turns with a smile that fades when he sees the gun aimed at his pretty boy face. “You gonna shoot me?”

“Put her down,” I demand in my best menacing growl.

“I don’t do shit with a gun in my face, man.” The big guy isn’t scared, and he doesn’t flinch at the sight of my gun.

I cock the gun and peek around him at Maven. “Brace yourself, babe. This fucker’s gonna go limp right away. Protect your head.”

She nods and covers her head like she’s preparing for a tornado drill.

He barks out a loud laugh. “I like you, man. We’re gonna get along just fine.” He sticks a hand out, still smiling. “I’m Stone. You didn’t see the other guys in there?”