“Let’s just see how it goes for the next few days, okay?” Ace sighs and rakes a hand through his hair. The stress is getting to him. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Maven nods, and when we’re alone again, I close the distance between her and grip her shoulders. “I’ll keep you safe and make sure your shop doesn’t end up as collateral damage in this war.”
“War? As in warwar? I mean, you just mean you guys are gonna like fight, right?”
I smile and wrap an arm around her. “Sure, Maven, that’s exactly what I mean.”
But we both know that it's going to be much more than just a fight. And I have a feeling that Maven is going to be right in the middle of it. Whether she likes it or not.
Then I add, “By the way, we’re not a gang. We’re a club. ”
“What’s the difference?” she asks, her brow furrowed.
I chuckle and pull her closer. “A gang is all about violence and turf wars. A club is about brotherhood and protecting our own. We may have to fight from time to time, but it’s always for a good reason.”
Maven nods, but I can tell she’s still not entirely convinced. And that’s okay. I have a feeling she’ll come around eventually.
But for now, I need to focus on her safety. Because the more time I spend with her, the more I realize that I can’t let anything happen to her.
She’s become too important to me.
Chapter Eleven
“So what I’m hearing,” Willow says, and I can hear the smile in her voice, “is that for the next however long, this place will be overrun with hot bikers?”
I laugh for the first time all day and shake my head because nothing can get Willow down. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Nothing about you and me needing regular protection because of biker gang shit, just that you’ll get your fill of eye candy, missy.”
“And that’s why I love you, Maven. You’re always thinking about me and my libido.” Her laugh rings down the line, and slowly, my body starts to relax. This situation is far from ideal, but the only thing I can do now is try to make the best of it until it’s over.
“So what else is new in biker land?” Willow asks, her voice turning seductive in that cute way she has.
My mind instantly goes to Wilder and those beautiful blue eyes and his smooth brown skin and hard body. “Nothing. Oh, I tried to escape from my prison, and I knocked Letty down in the process.”
“Holy shit, you didwhat?” Willow laughs again. “I can’t believe it! Girl, you have more sass than people realize.”
“Yeah, it wasn’t my best moment, but I had to try. I do feel bad about knocking Letty on her ass though.” She didn’t deserve that, but then again, I didn’t deserve any of this either. At least, she chose to hitch her fortunes to these bikers, unlike me, who it was thrust upon. “Anyway, how are things at the shop?”
Willow lets out a soft but frustrated sigh, and my stomach sinks.
“I’m not gonna lie to you, Mave. Things are not great. We did decent business today, but nothing like what we do when we have those Maven Cakes in the display. Do you know how many people asked if they were too late for the cakes? Or how many asked if they could reserve one for tomorrow?”
My shoulders sink further at her words.
“A lot?”
I smile at the reminder of my championship-winning cake. Dubbed Maven Cakes by one of the judges, they are a consistent best seller for the shop, and that’s something for me to remember as the next week or so unfolds.
“So goddamn many, girl. Whenever you return, we’re going to need double the usual amount.”
“Tomorrow. I’ll be in bright and early tomorrow. Six o’clock sharp, and I’ll start on the cakes. If you want to sleep in, go right ahead, but I could use your help.”
“Anything you need. So about these bikers?”
I roll my eyes at her one-track mind. “Due to circumstances out of my control, our new operating hours will be six to three until I tell you otherwise.”
I sigh again, wondering when this had become my life.