“Fucking bikers,” I growl more to myself than Willow.

“Oh, poor Maven,” she tuts without a hint of sympathy. “Kidnapped by the hottest bikers on the west coast. Those guys are so hot my panties melt and go up in flames all at the same time. I’d kill to have your problems.”

“And I’d happily trade places with you, Willow.”

“Oh, come on, you mean to tell me you don’t think Wilder is a whole snack and a half?”

“He’s good-looking, without a doubt. But he and his brothers are thugs. They brought me here against my will, and they’re interfering with my business, my livelihood. And because of them, I’m caught up in their mess.” I huff. “Theysaythey’re doing this to help, but how can I trust men who take me against my will and lock me in a room?”

“Shit, they have you locked up?”

“Yes.” I nod as though she can see me. “In some room at their biker headquarters.”

“The clubhouse,” Willow clarifies with a laugh. “It’s called their clubhouse. Is Wilder locked up with you? God, what a fantasy.”

“Nope. He’s barely even come in here other than to yell at me and issue demands as if I work for him.”

I shake my head, remembering his harsh words. It’s easier to stay mad at him and forget how good he looks and how hard his body is under his jeans and t-shirts. “At least they’ll let me get back to work.”

“I know this sucks for you, Maven, but if the Reckless Souls are protecting you, then you’ll live to bake another day. And another.”

I roll my eyes at Willow’s naivete. “You trust them more than I do. This is a reluctant truce made purely out of necessity.”

“You’ll learn to trust them,” she answers confidently. “I know what you think about bikers, Maven, but these guys aren’t like that. I mean, yeah, they kick ass when they have to, but overall they’re good guys. And having a bunch of hot men around isn’t just, well,hot, but it’s the kind of security any business owner would dream about.”

I tap my foot, irritated at taking advice from someone young enough to be my daughter. “For now, I have no choice, so I’m going to take your word for it. Just please, Willow, don’t get too comfortable having them around. It won’t last forever.”

She giggles at having won this round. “Fine, be a sourpuss about our new protectors if you want, but I fully plan to enjoy having them around whether it’s purely eye candy like Preacher—oh Jesus, he’s fine—or one of the single ones that I can get my flirt on with. Do you know who’s single over there? Any hot kidnappers for me?”

I laugh. “Girl, you’re relentless. And no, I don’t even know all theclubmembers.”

“Oh, my God!” she gasps sweetly. “You called it a club! You’re learning, girl. And…you’re gonna hate what I’m about to say next.”

I close my eyes and sigh. “Lay it on me.”

“You might not have much use for bikers, but I saw the spark between you and Wilder.”

“That wasn’t a spark. That was disagreement.”

“Same thing most of the time. Anyway, I didn’t just see it, Ifeltit, and that would make him the perfect rebound fuck. Someone who’s hot enough to make you come over and over again but you don’t have to worry about falling for. Think about it.”

“Willow,” I sigh and shake my head. She was simultaneously a horn dog and a hopeless romantic.

“Sorry. Going through a tunnel. Gotta go,” she says, barely able to hold back her laughter.

“You’re on the shop phone, and last I checked, there are no tunnels inside my shop.”

Willow lets out a deep roll of laughter. “It’s probably DWP or those scheming ass phone companies. Who knows? Anyway, you’re breaking up. See. You. Soon.”

The call is over, and I can’t hold back my laughter either.

Willow is a trip. She’s been a great friend and a really good employee, but the woman is determined to cause me premature graying. “You’re lucky you’re fun,” I say to myself since the call is over.

Tomorrow, I’ll be at work, which means I need to focus on that. Not Wilder. Not the Reckless Souls. Not Cyrus or any other being with a penis.

I shove away all thoughts of anything dick-related and jot down notes on menu specials for tomorrow as well as promotions to make sure people know about our temporary new hours of operation.

I’ll have to work even harder now to make up for the loss of earnings sure to result from closing seven hours early each day.