
The mere mention of Momo had them freezing in place before they stood in order like I’d told all of them to salute.

Pausing in my conquest to tackle the documents at hand, I looked at their adorable swirling eyes and sighed.

“Your work here is done. Go play until it’s dinner time,” I encouraged.



They cheered and jumped in triumph before they were all shaking their hips in a unified dance number. Before they left, they all lined up in single file to give me a kiss on either my cheek, hands, nose, or forehead before they made a line to the door.

The eldest voodoo child, Zasper Jr, was the leader and at the front of the line.

“ViViVo!” he cheered and encouraged the others to reply before they were singing happily and leaving the room. Zasper Jr held the door until the last child was out the door.

With a final wave my way, the door closed shut, which gave me a moment of peace.

“I swear, by the time I pop out a child, Momo and her fleet will have a damn empire of children,” I voiced to myself.

“They’ll be powerful beings when they’re older and know how to shift into human form,”Lily offered.

Xiao howled happily in my head before she lay on her side and was lazily waving her tail from side to side.

"You’re right,” I sighed and lowered my pen to lean back into my seat. “At least they’re good at forging my signature. It made signing all those official documents easier.”

“Did you approve Colton and Lauren’s vacation request?”Lily reminded me.

“I did,” I spoke with pride because I actually remembered for once.

Poor Colton had to ask me a good thirty times before I finally got those documents signed personally.

"Everything is set for their trip to Hawaii. Apparently, Alpha Killian has some connections to getting the diamonds for wedding rings mined and embedded with some of the power of the lagoon from the core of Honolulu. I think Lauren’s going to be absolutely ecstatic.”

“Won’t she be able to predict that Colton’s going to propose?”

"Apparently Colton found a way to block that specific thought from her. How is beyond me, but everything is booked. She won’t know. The best part is they’ll be back for Christmas.”

“Perfect timing,”Lily praised.“You should nap. You look tired.”

"Do I?” I pondered and leaned further back in my chair as I closed my eyes. “A nap would be good. Will you keep an eye on the valley’s entrance? I know Fynn and Felix are there with Momo and Zasper but I’d feel a bit more reassured that you’re present as backup.”

“It’s been a while since I took human form,”Lily noted with an amused tone.“I’ll keep them company.”

“I appreciate it,” I voiced. “Wallas and Gaia are handling Nightshade and Monarch Empires so we don’t need to worry much about that.”

“What about Pet One and Pet Two?”Lily inquired gleefully.

"Pet Laura is being used as bait to lure out the pack of tainted mutations from Baker’s hidden lab on the outskirts of Hollow City. Apparently, they like her scent. We think it has to do with how Baker was feeding off of her for a year,” I revealed. “As for pet number two, he’s dealing with being persecuted for all the crimes he committed against his pack and the innocents who were sacrificed to the valley. The number of charges on his case is so long, you’d think it’s one of those pharmacy receipts everyone claims can be longer than the bible scriptures.”

“Even if Alpha Shade gets charged, the agreement is he’s spending his eternity down here?”Lily asked for clarification.

“Yup. He’s Malifer’s property now so he’ll remain in the new dungeon he made that’s a few feet from the equator. It’s about 90 feet under and in the middle of the Forest of Infinite souls, so if his flesh isn’t being melted again and again, he can enjoy being taunted by the thousands of dead souls.”

“What a grand punishment,” Lily praised. “I’ll get going then. Try to get some rest. You’ve been working super hard.”

“Thanks for your concern, Lily,” I expressed my gratitude.