He came with me. His muffled grunt was followed with him sinking as deeply as he could while he screamed my name.


The waves of bliss took complete control, leaving me to shudder with the aftershocks that enjoyed riddling through me in waves. My pussy was still clenching Malifer’s hardness, which felt double its usual size inside me, while he let out an inaudible set of words before he collapsed onto me to catch his breath.

It didn’t take him long to get off me — his arm hooking around me and turning us in one smooth movement, which managed to keep his cock still snug within me.

“You aren’t…gonna pull out?” I panted and trembled in his grasp as my high was finally beginning to come down.

“Not until I fill your very womb with loads of cum, baby,” he muttered into my ear before kissing the side of my neck. “Fuck. I need to fuck you again.”

“No way…are you holding time still.”

His chuckle told me otherwise before he kissed my cheek.

“I’ll hold time for all eternity if it means fucking you again and again,” he breathed as he took an inhale and let it out. “The scent of your happiness is far more addicting than your fear.”

“So that means you’ll always make me happy, huh?”

“If it means I get to love you like this, I most certainly will,” he reasoned, which made us both chuckle.

“Can we enjoy one more time?” I dared to whisper as I lifted my head enough to peer into his eyes, which twinkled with lust.

“We’ll do it as many times as my queen desires,” he responded and sealed my lips with his.

I’ll enjoy the fruit of my labor, and then I’ll enjoy burning down the empire that wished to destroy us all…with my loved ones and sister at my side.

One Year Later…

“Do I need to speak in Russian to be taken seriously?” I hissed through the phone. “If I have to send Gaia or Wallas to deal with this problem and it’s nothing but a time waster, you know you’ll be dead by nightfall. And don’t even try to warn the rest of the recruits for they’ll all be dead, too! You clearly have the target’s location and you’re wasting time calling me for my permission? Are you lads children?!”

My eyes rolled as the stuttering man couldn’t even fathom words.

“You know what, I have a better idea. Why don’t you call my beloved sweet sister that you guys favor more because she has a higher tolerance when it comes to stupidity and explain exactly what you said to me and see what she says. If you guys survive through the end of the night, I’ll gladly take back my words and even treat you and your fleet of men to an all-expenses trip to Dubai. I’m not sure if my husband will let me pay for it but at least I try. to keep my word when it comes to phone agreements like these.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly before allowing my thick Russian accent to ease into my final words.

“Get rid of the target, Albert, or I’ll let Malifer get involved,” I threatened, and I could hear the way his heart stopped through the speaker. “He really is in an irritated mood lately with all the random attacks on our assets because of the recent announcement, so if you and your fellow comrades want to live another day, I suggest you do what is asked and promptly.”

I didn’t wait for his reply as my patience had long since departed the conversation.

“I’m officially off in one minute and forty seconds, so any future calls can be given to my sister until her time off. After that, I’m sure the Monarch Empire can survive a few months without us proving how indestructible our empire is, especially with the finalized alliances between Outcast Hollows and Fox Moon Pack,” I reminded him. “Anyways, ????????".”

I hung up and tossed the phone somewhere. The sound of it exploding only ignited a crowd of cheers.



I barely had to look down to see the crowd of at least sixty voodoo dolls cheering while holding their spears and newly created guns that they were clearly enjoying.

I had a strong feeling they stole the weapons from the fleet camp outside in the voodoo doll pack house, but I wasn’t going to stop them from being mischievous.

As long as they weren’t shooting me, I couldn’t care less.

"Don’t shoot too much in the office, voodoo children,” I casually voiced as I reached for the last set of documents that needed my signature. “You don’t want to make your mama upset.”
