It could potentially backfire on me. If Malifer is where the crown is, what if Shade has a backup plan that involves me dying or something? I’d be bringing him to the man he despises and the crown he seeks to destroy, just like Baker.

“Right…but if it works, you’ll be at Malifer’s side,closer to the crown, and even closer to freeing the valley and getting rid of Baker and Alpha Shade.”

That brings up one more thing.


What if Baker’s objective was to see if Alpha Shade would go to the extent of intruding into the valley and attempting to claim what he knows Baker wants? I may have been slowing his trail on the outside but Baker isn’t stupid. He’s as cunningly smart as we are. He had to have caught onto my ploy by now.

“You have a point…”

So what if Baker is just allowing Alpha Shade to get his way to lead him as close to the crown as he can? Baker has to have some sort of connection to Alpha Shade, especially if he’s the favorite “half child.” So keeping Alpha Shade here will force Baker to meet us here instead of where the crown is.

“That sounds intelligent,”she praised.“But there are two flaws with your plan.”

Aww. What are they?

“Well, for one, you’re literally on the verge of unconsciousness, which would lead to death, and that goes back to the dilemma about whether you’ll respawn in Malifer’s arms or back at the entrance where the voodoo fleet is, which may potentially trigger time to move again but risk Colton and Lauren to burn the valley’s core lagoon and block your access from reaching this point again,”she explained.“The second prominent problem is you potentially not dying and Alpha Shade getting us as his grand prize before bringing Baker here somehow and basically leading us down a path that involves blackmail and death.”

Hmm. When you say it like that, I feel like I missed a step in this diabolical plan.

“Well, you kind of did.”

What step did I miss?

“More like an observation that rules out your first gamble.”


“Your blood,”she voiced.“It’s red again.”


I attempted to open my eyes but I realized my ass really was on the verge of unconsciousness.

And the pain was fucking brutal.

I could barely breath. My shoulders were moving up and down with my labored inhales and exhales as I was on my knees with my arms still wrapped around my stomach. My forehead was pressed against the black sand while the scent of sweat and blood harassed my nostrils.

“Ya…fuck…I messed up with this one.” I struggled to speak and not choke on my own pooling blood that I forced out a second later.

“Foolish cunt.” The muttered curse was in between heavy breaths as my not-so-cunning plan was at least weakening the man who was so close and yet so far to obtaining me once more.

I bet it was grinding him to the very core that he’d yet to have me in his grasp and chain me up like the dog he couldn’t wait to have back in his care.

“Did you think I was going to kill you? You’re my getaway ticket out of here with that damn crown I’ve been trying to acquire for years!”

That actually intrigued me as my ears perked up in hopes he’d keep feeding me info while I fought for breath.

“These lands. This valley. All the useless fuckers sacrificed. They should have been in my control. My possession to use and abuse for whatever I deemed fit!” he declared. “Generations after that bitch was sacrificed, the curse of these lands forbids me from exploring the vast lands that were unclaimed. That Time Keeper told me there was something hidden within the root of these tainted lands. That within its depths was a crown full of power that could grant me everything I seek in life. I could have used it to find the perfect woman for me, and together, we would have been given the power to rule these lands effortlessly with no one’s interference, but I chose wrong. I had to have fallen in love with a woman with a fucking heart of gold. No wonder why my son became so soft. He’s so unworthy of being an Alpha, let alone a king of a pack as grand and overpowered as the Shade Pack.”

He began to chuckle as I finally managed to open my eyes just slightly to stare at the sand beneath me. Pools of red blood continued to soak into those onyx microbeads.

I could only imagine what I looked like, and yet it made me smirk like a damn fool as I slowly managed to lift my heavy head enough to peer at the man who had always been the ruler of my agony.

“The Goddess must enjoy mocking me since she made me get the twin that was as pitifully troublesome as you.” Those glaring eyes couldn’t stop scrutinizing me. “You were the stronger one. I’m sure that pitiful copy of yours would have died eons ago from my wrath.”

That made him chuckle as he took slow steps until it was just that invisible wall stopping him from wrapping that large hand around my brittle throat. He crouched down slowly, his eyes never leaving mine as he further grinned.