“What foolish protection is this?!” he screamed and slammed his fists again and again against the wall. It got to the point where I couldn’t help but cough as my arms further tightened around my waist.

“Now, now,” I coughed and tried not to cringe at the metallic taste in my mouth. “Getting your frustration out on my invisible box isn’t very nice. There are consequences you don’t want to trigger or witness, so it would be best if you just give up on trying to get a hold of me.”

He gritted his teeth as those red venomous eyes bored into mine, which danced with glee.

“You shouldn’t be coughing blood,” he acknowledged as his eyes further narrowed in judgment.

“You’re right,” I voiced the obvious. “Maybe if this glass box wasn’t inflicting physical damage to my body, I wouldn’t be coughing up blood and feeling like I’d die if you kept doing that for a solid minute.”

It clicked in his mind as his eyes suddenly widened at what I’d unexpectedly done. It made me giggle manically before I began another coughing fit, which forced me to turn my head and spit out the pooling blood in my mouth.

“Man. I’ve been close to death plenty of times in your domain, but how empowering it feels when I get to control my end. Odd…frightening…and yet humbly satisfying, if you ask me.”

“Are you fucking mad?” he dared to ask, which made me tilt my head to the side as I gave him my best white-toothed smile.

“Would you blame me for having a few missing marbles after years of torture by a man with a strong obsession for power, an even stronger desire for an heir, and the devilish intentions of killing his own son, stealing his fated mate so he can rape, torture, and get what he wants before abandoning her to starve to death and igniting a shifter war for the sake of remaining in power?” I summed up the rambled explanation and sighed. “No. You wouldn’t blame me for being absolutely insane, but thanks to our Moon Goddess and my brilliant mind, I can use such mental disparities to my advantage.”

I licked my bottom lip slowly to spread my blood along my lips as if it was a shade of lipstick that deserve to mark my brittle flesh.

“Like letting that immense rage of yours kill what you seek the most.”

His eyes exactly widened while his nostrils flared with anger. He didn’t hesitate to slam the walls before him once more, which made me flinch in pain as I bit my bottom lip hard and tried not to bend forward in agony.

“Ow,” I cursed when it didn’t feel like my insides were going to self-destruct. “Now, you just did that on fucking purpose.”

“WHAT IS YOUR MOTIVE?!” he demanded as he took a step back as if the wall had burned him in return.

His whip was back in his grasp before it struck the side of the invisible box. It made me grasp my ribs, which sounded like they were on the verge of breaking.

I was going to answer his question initially because I was catching my breath in slow breaths. “C’mon, Master,” I hummed in delight as I lifted my weak eyes to look at his shaking stature. “You’re a smart cookie. Can’t you figure out my purpose?”

He growled and began whipping the box with no fucking remorse. I had to mentally regret this idea because fuck.

This hurts like a damn bitch.

“You thought this was a smart idea because?”Lily sounded like she pitied me.“You’re inching closer to death by the second.”

I’m beginning to realize that…

I needed to fight not to pass the fuck out as I continued to hug myself and try to breathe through the agonizing pain.

He wants to use me to get to Malifer. If he kills me, he can’t really do that.

“True…”She didn’t sound very convinced though.“And if we die?”

Well…we’ll respawn…probably…

“Why do I feel like that’s not the ending you want?”she inquired.

Well…if I respawn, I’m not sure if we’ll end up here or back at the very beginning where the voodoo fleet is. Goldibitch gets away with returning to where we are because my respawn energy is infused in her, but in my case…well…

I was struggling to keep conscious at this point as I still fought to remain standing.

“You’d return to Malifer.”


“If you return to Malifer, respawned and rejuvenated, why is that a problem?”