Page 32 of Hunter

I would be back to see her again, and again, and again, until whatever was brewing inside of me at the sight of her would settle, and I could finally move on with my life.

Something told me there wasn’t an ending in sight.

And it was as if God was having his fun at my expense, making me obsess over a girl I should hate.

* * *

I could hearDominic’s booming voice immediately as he instructed the men.

Everyone was scattering about, trying to get everything done before dawn hit.

The MC made its money through drug shipment.

We didn’t sell them, but we were the middleman between powerful men from all over the country wanting to sell between vendors and passing it through.

We took on the high-risk jobs of crossing state lines to get the drugs where they needed to go.

With over a hundred chapters all over the U.S., it was no wonder we were so high in demand.

And Dominic ruled it all.

He stood in the center of the room on a raised platform, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he looked down at his empire. Micah and I joined him.

Despite there being thousands of club members, it was the two of us who were closest to Dominic.

Besides Micah, he was the closest thing I had to family.

Stronger than blood, we would die for each other without hesitation.

When I first joined, the club had been nowhere as big as it was now.

And we hadn’t been in the business that brought in millions of dollars yearly.

Illegal money, sure, but money was money. I wasn’t fucking picky.

“Is everything set?” Dominic asked me.

I nodded. “The trucks are ready, and two dozen brothers are coming along to make the escort. It will take less than a day to get to Seattle.”

Dominic nodded, making a small approving noise in the back of his throat.

He turned to Micah. “How are things going with the Mansen Brotherhood?”

If I hadn’t been watching him, I might have missed the tic that ran along the side of Micah’s jawline.

The Mansen Brotherhood had been a thorn in our fucking side since the day the fucking Mansen Brothers came in with the ambition to take over our city and business.

They were nowhere near as big as the MC, but they were growing enough that everyone was taking notice.

They could get strong enough to take us out if we didn’t control them soon.

“Hiding like a bunch of fucking cowards,” Micah answered.

His job as the club’s enforcer was to deal with the little shitheads, except they were hard to deal with when we couldn’t find them.

I was also positive they were working with the dear old Mayor Gallagher and Judge Hudson.

Those fuckers wanted to run the city, and what was more, they got cocky enough to put the Mansen Brotherhood on their payroll to take over the drug transport business that Dominic built with his bare, bloodied hands.